Comedy and Running Gags

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Comedy is fun when the tension has been going nowhere or after an important scene. It's made to bring the tone down a bit and just have some fun.

Most things can be played as a running gag. It can be making fun of a trope or just a little quirk a character has. Granblue Fantasy uses races as runnings gags, Tales of the Rays uses Mileena as a running gag, she swings both ways. I do the same with Velvet Dragonia from Crystal of Fantasia, she swings both ways, and instead of making that her entire character and what defines her, it's played off as a running gag. It's part of her character but it's not a major part, her development doesn't revolve around one part of her. I hate one liner characters.

Comedy can also be played with the right joke, if done correctly, it's funny. If done wrong, it's boring. Most stories don't need comedy but sometimes have fun times. A character does something funny or they say something stupid. Or the fandom makes fun of them. Whatever the cause, it's meant to be funny. It can be part of their development or can be a time wasting scene. It's up to the writer.

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