Running Gags

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A running gag is simply a joke that continues throughout the story. Different from a single joke. It can be placed in anything, a skit, a main story point, or anything else, but that does not make those things running jokes.

What isn't a running gag?

Skits are not running gags, they can have one in them, but are not one by nature. Putting text into the same form as a script from a play is also not a running gag. That would be a layout for how the scene should look.

Girl: What are you doing?

Boy: I'm cleaning up the garage.

As you can see, this is not inherently funny or a joke. It's just a guide for a scene.

Just because a scene isn't completely serious or has high tension, doesn't mean it's a running gag. Scenes that are calm, such as hanging out at a bar, are not running gags just because it isn't super serious. 

What is a running gag?

Anything that's meant to be played as a joke, it's a running joke, so it should be funny and should happen often. A romance between two people is not a running gag unless it's the other characters doing it to make fun of them. A character constantly tripping over themselves, saying the wrong word, running into things, misplacing things, all are considered running gags. They are funny and they happen enough times for them not to become oversaturated.

This is honestly one of the simplest additions to writing, because comedy is subjective and you just need to do what you think is funny. If it still flies over your head what is and isn't a running gag, then maybe you shouldn't be writing it in your story. The internet can help you further if you still don't get it.

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