Ranting about Bad Writing: Main Characters

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So, to be honest, this is just going to be me ranting about bad writing because I'm dumb enough to read these abominations of literature. I get bored when I'm home and Animal Crossing can only keep me busy for some time. And I'm being lazy with my art.

Onision, onion boy, I can't spell anything so I'm calling him Greg. He wrote a book series and I finally got around to reading it. It was bad. For those of you who don't know what these monstrosities of writing are, don't bother, please.

I think the only good thing I got out of these books was a way to describe to Kalia's writing, which is about the same level of a main character thinking everyone is beneath them with no self-awareness of being a terrible person and calling everyone around them terrible people. And maybe Shayana, with how the world bends over backwards for the most precious special snowflake to ever exist who's the smartest thing to exist but can't do kindergarten level tests.

-Badly Written Edge Lords-

What is it with idiots and making their main characters some edge lord who's better than everyone else and brags about it? This isn't interesting, it's not fun to read, it's annoying. The only fun part is pointing out all the times their lack of self-awareness is showing.

Let's bring up Kalia's oc talking. The oc has only gotten worse over the years, surprisingly, this is the best it's ever been. And it's already bad.

"i can kill alot more then that but not my self its a thing"

Where do I start with this one? The oc in general is immortal and invincible, she can't be hurt by anything. Later versions let her be hurt but then she puts herself back together...after I gave her some criticism, the only time she ever took criticism. Psychopathic murderers can be done well, just not by someone who has an IQ of -100.

"why cant i come i was pretty much raised as a colded blooded warrior and trained by 13 years old dont ask"

The oc is 14, make what you want of that.

I think she means she had been training all her life and was professional at thirteen. Which, that's not as bad but still stupid. I thought it meant she started at thirteen. Both are dumb and Mary Sue.

Why? Well, on top of being professional, she's the most powerful being in world "for some reason," (exact words from the bio) she's immortal, she's invincible, she's the center of attention, and the world bends over backwards for her. And that's the main part, all of these things could be done right, with each other, by a COMPETENT writer. Which Kalia is not. The writer herself is making a power fantasy and forgetting, or ignoring, the effort that needs to be in a character.

Back to be being professional when she was thirteen, let's do some math. Say she started training when she was five, that's taking the earliest possible age since that's when most kids start school. Go to thirteen, that's seven years of training, that's still Jack shit compared to a forty-year-old man who's been training since he was five. Seven years doesn't make you a professional, you moron.

The entire character of this oc is "I'm better than you and here's why," with the reason being so dumb, anyone with a brain cell can see it makes no sense. "Well unfortunately I've been street fighting for five year," does not make you better than the man who is FORTY and training all his life. Come back when you can write.

"ive been stabbed soi much it baly faishes me besides i grew up here"

Can you spell? Please? I know overexposure makes people desensitized to something, but this is just over the top drama for the sake of being over the top.

This isn't good writing; I know that's a surprise to you because you think you're so amazing and better than everyone else. Constantly bragging about being stabbed is the opposite of what people do. I know you think you're being "cool" and "amazing" by doing this, but you're being a complete idiot who's undermining those who have been hurt in their real lives.

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