Everyone Writes Differently

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As I've said before, each person is different. Personality, skills and past are different, especially the things we like are different. I quite like fantasy series, if you couldn't tell, and I have friends who are more science fiction and romance. But I don't ever tell them they can't write what they do and have to write fantasy. I see this quite a bit, more with the raft community but there are some writers who do it too.

I've also said before that I don't like when people limit others on what they can and can't do. This applies. Just because you don't like a certain genre doesn't give you permission to go to people who do like that genre and shit on them. If you don't like it, treat them nicely or avoid them. I personally am not a romance fan. Vanessa, my big sister is. But I'm not going to force her to not write romance, in fact, I've included some romance in my series because of her. Even Hendrik, a science fiction writer has some romance and asked her for help.

If anything, having a group of people who write in different genres is a great thing. We've gotten help from each other when we need it, yes Hendrik asking the science behind magic can get annoying, but that's my fault for not thinking it through, and I really don't have to. Fantasy doesn't always have to mix with science but it's neat when it does.

Everyone has opinions, that's just the reality. Everyone is so different that of course their mind works differently. To put to example, I'm more math and science advanced than physically. I literally can't run a mile, but I do have health conditions. Saying that artists should only draw one type of art and saying writers should only write one type of genre, is like saying everyone should be an athlete.

You people still in school under college. Mostly the high school ones and maybe the early college ones. What's the purpose of you taking the elective classes? Is it to screw off for an easy high grade? It's not meant to be but people do it anyways. It's meant to figure out what you're good at and what you're bad at. No one is good at everything, Mary Sue. It's the same for writing. Everyone has their own talents and likes, combine with personality, skill and past, and there you go.

If someone does something different, why make them feel less than you? I've seen people discredit opinions instead of making points to argue or just saying "you're (insert insult here) so you can't have an opinion". And that's just pathetic. Let them write what they want, suggestions are nice, writing tips are nice, but you can't force people to write what you want. Yes, there are contests, but think about it, that's optional. Not mandatory. Unless your superior, teacher perhaps, tells you to write a certain way for class, then you should probably do it. But that's for a grade or an award, things people like. If it's some random person, or even a friend, telling you have to write a certain way or you're less than them, shove them away.

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