"You Can't Do This"

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We've all been told we can't do something because someone doesn't like it. Because someone has to be in control. I'm not talking about criticism, that's a suggestion not a demand. I've been told that taking inspiration is bad, I've been told I can't have a cast of characters over six, which is really small, I've been told that everything has to be "purely original". Which I'm sure actually means "stealing from other people and making sure not to credit them". Yeah that's what original means, I'm sure about it (sarcasm).

You know what I can say? "Don't make your entire story built off of someone else's success", "don't make your story have the same script as all your others with the change of names", "don't literally use someone else's work and call it your own". That last one is stealing, and is illegal.

I can say whatever I want, and so can you. You can spit whatever garbage you have at me, and I can throw the garbage bucket at you. It goes two ways. I'm pretty open to suggestions, some I don't take because it either doesn't fit with what I've created or I just don't like it. Such as "make your characters have no flaws". Kids, they don't know how to write. You can shoot down whatever criticism you get, and definitely shoot down the demands especially if you don't want to hear it. You shouldn't ignore criticism or say "thanks for the criticism but I'm not going to take it because I'm perfect". Real mature honey.

Just because having a big character cast makes someone sad, or the fact that you use inspiration to make a good story makes them feel inferior to you is not your fault. It's theirs. Instead of them asking for help, they'd rather push you down like crabs in a bucket. I've heard it's because their brain is the size of a crab's, my sister's words not mine. They're jealous that you can do what they can't, that's just human nature, but instead of being mature about it, they try to bring you down by saying you can't be better than them.

I've had it happen before and most creators have it happen. It's the immature ones that get away from it because of their excuses and whining. They can't take criticism but lay it out like they're an exception to getting criticism. Best thing is to not listen, if someone says you can't make your work because it's not "purely original" and everything not worshipping them makes them sad, then that's on them, not you.

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