Darkness and Evil

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When you think of the darkness, you think of evil right? Well, I don't see it that way. Darkness itself is not evil, it's what hides inside of it. Kingdom Hearts logic. Those who use the darkness aren't inherently evil, just as those who use the light aren't inherently good. Intentions mean everything.

Many use darkness as an equivalent to evil, this is why I say "malevolence" when talking about evil in my series, as darkness is an element that can be used by those born with it. Characters who use darkness aren't always going to be dark and edgy, and the power isn't going to corrupt them when using it. A dark power is different, but darkness itself isn't. Since I use Kingdom Hearts logic, I'll also be using examples from there.

In KH3, Sora uses the darkness to save himself from death, he still has his keyblade, which means he hasn't been corrupted, and he is able to return to his normal form after a while. Riku uses the darkness and is able to remain himself. He fights evil with darkness, showing it isn't evil itself. While it is true that when a heart falls into darkness they turn into a heartless, it is also true that a user can wield the darkness without being corrupted. So it may just be the intentions that had corrupted them, not the darkness itself.

In my series, darkness is an element. Many protagonists use it and even those with pure hearts. It's simply an element. There are classes and skills linked to the element and can be used without fear of corruption. I'm not someone who thinks black and white in a situation like this. Pure evil or good doesn't exist, intentions and actions prove if something is good, bad or a mix. Characters can be evil but have good intentions, while characters who are good can commit terrible crimes. Evil is not immune to doing good, and good is not immune to doing evil.

If you choose to equate darkness to evil, then you have to make decisions based on that philosophy. What makes a character fall to darkness? What makes a character good? What are differences to light and darkness? What are the differences to good and evil? If light is good and dark is evil, then what about those in the middle?

If you don't equate the two, the what differs them? What is light and darkness if not good and evil? What constitutes as good or evil? Can those who are good use the darkness? Can those who are evil use the light?

These are all just some questions to think about.

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