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I've seen both good and bad writers, and mostly in middle of "I think I know what I'm doing but don't actually". Now, there is a major difference between good and bad writing. Good writing is done by someone who knows what they're doing, is fully aware of their mistakes and has practiced their style. Bad writing is done by someone who doesn't know what they're doing, won't change their mistakes and has little to no practice.

Priorities also are a major concern of mine with new writers. They focus on whether or not an IDEA is original instead of the EXECUTION of that idea. Nothing is original anymore. But writing style and story line make it your own. If you're so focused on the originality of an idea, then you're not focusing on what's important. Characters, development, story all the necessary parts that actually matter.

It's like with art styles, instead of focusing on the style in the beginning, focus on your skills. Your style will change based around those skills, not the other way around. In writing, you want to try taking an idea and making it your own story, once you can do that, your brain may be able to make up its own ideas and execution based off of what you like. It's called dreams.

I also want to say, despite what it seems, I don't have anything against characters being gay or transgender or anything of the sort. I only have a problem when it's what defines a character.

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