Recycling Characters

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Recycling character design isn't as horrible as it sounds. It's using the same base then doing more with it. Take Guy Cecil from Tales of the Abyss and Flynn Scifo from Tales of Vesperia. Both look similar because Guy's design is reused then changed. There are a major differences between the two and similarities. But their similarities really only go design wise.

Guy is more caring for the individual and can handle more while Flynn wants more for the whole and isn't that great at dealing with problems. The companions also are much different so the situation is changed. Luke is a spoiled child until he grows up and Yuri is just, Yuri. You can see the difference in reactions as well. When Luke acts stupid Guy will either ignore it or point it out. When Yuri acts stupid, the two literally duke it out until one of them is down. 

Do you see what I mean? Reusing the base isn't a bad idea. It's like art, many artist reuse their own base in a different angle or just a simply with another character to save time. It's not lazy because the effort is put more into the character themselves than the design. Unless the design is the same with different colors and you can see no effort. But the Tales designs are insane anyways.

But here's a problem, if you do it the other way around. Recycling a design is much different than recycling the bio. I don't know what else to call it. Both can be changed around, but it's okay to be more noticeable with a design if the characters are completely different people. If two characters are the exact same with little differences, such as names or small bits of the personality, then it's noticeable and bad. Two characters are never the same, even replicas are completely different. If a writer does this, then it shows lack of effort. No two people are the same and the it goes without saying, that no two characters are the same.

Characters can experience the same thing and because of their personality and past experiences, they will react differently. Take away what makes them unique, and all you have is a copied and pasted version of another character.

People have so many different personalities and interests that it shouldn't be hard to make characters the same way. Making them all the same with little differences is unrealistic and boring. Even if it's a replica situation, there will be differences. The same memories and personality can be implemented, but once the replica goes out on their own journey, they become a difference person than their original. This is the case for Luke and Asch from Tales of the Abyss, despite being the same person, the two are completely different.

It's pure laziness in my eyes. Copying and pasting one bio then tweaking it just a bit is pathetic. Even new versions of a bio can drastically change depending on what the writer wants and what the story needs. Not everyone is a psychopathic murder kids, even going into an insane asylum, the people are completely different in personality. That goes the same for every personality trait or quirk, yes, many traits and quirks are common among people, but it's how they deal with them that makes it different. I'm an introvert with anxiety, I know others who are the same way. I sit in corners because I'm not brave enough to go out and talk to people in parties, others may be able to do it just fine.

That isn't even hard. If you can't make two characters different in who they are, then maybe you're best off combining the two. Take parts from both and make them into one or delete one of them. Because having two characters the exact same is boring, stupid and lazy. And no, I'm not holding off the insults.

When I read about a character, I want to see who they are, reading through the story, I want to see how they react to situations. I don't want to see two characters be the exact same in every way because the writer is too lazy to make them different. Sure they can react the same way in certain situations, I know many characters would run screaming down a hall if they saw a ghost. But there are others as well. Others may hide behind something, others will be brave enough to keep standing. It's a divergence of personality that makes a team. Not the same character over and over again with nothing but little tiny differences.

Characters aren't in stores being machine made to be the same like clothes. So don't treat them like that.

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