Your Own Work

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I've never had a problems with things like fan fictions, I just personally am pretty bad. I am trying with my Zestiria fan fiction since I'm pretty familiar with the world and characters of Zestiria and Berseria and the setting is after the games. No dictionary reading for me, because that script is huge.

I like it when creators make their own work, they make their own characters, world, and everything needed for a story. To me, it's a better show of writing skills. Now, mimicking is also a good skill, animators use it and so do programmers. But mimicking means that everyone involved needs to know what's going on at all times, and it does sound easier when it's a fan fiction. Anyways, showing that you can create your own work without using an exiting existing franchise means more to me, especially if it's good. If it's bad or boring, try again.

Making your own work can be satisfying when someone reads it, I like it when people read and criticize my work, it shows the reader cares. (Not taking criticism is just sad and for the people who think they're perfect. If you don't take criticism you'll never improve your work.) People can like creator works or fan fictions, neither is worth more than the other.

Fan fictions skip the world and most character building, you're using someone else's work basically and just inserting your OCs or characters from a series you do own in there. It's not that hard. Your work takes a lot more time, world building, character building, everything needs to be planned out before hand or during, but it is more work.

Anyone can write, their skills in writing depend on how long they've been writing and their inspiration. I've been writing for ten plus years, my friends have probably been writing for longer, yes we're old. Fan fictions are definitely easier while your own work takes more thought and sometimes effort. But there are fan fictions that are stunningly amazing and way above works done by, well, children. Calamity and the Shepherd for an example, versus, a boring story about a rich privileged girl who wants more than what she already has. A story about Velvet Crowe and Sorey meeting and going against the current Lord of Calamity, or a story following a narcissist. You decide.

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