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I sat on my phone, scrolling through social media, as my boyfriend, Matt, edited the podcast he and his friends do. They were in a Youtube group called the Misfits. Matt was the editor of their group channel projects.

"Babe, can you turn some music on?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of his work. Wordlessly, I played our friend Jay's newest cover. I loved Jay's voice, especially when he sang. I had an entire playlist on my phone of songs he made for me and the others.

Matt chuckled softly. "Babe, I love Jay's voice, too, but I think we hear it enough."

I pouted as I stood from the bed. I placed my phone on his desk and began to dance around. "I can never get enough of this song!"

I twirled around on my feet, spinning in a circle. I lost my balance and almost collapsed to the ground, but he whirled his spinny chair my way and caught me.

"Thanks babe." I grinned breathlessly. He just chuckled and kissed my cheek.

I climbed off of his lap smoothed out my sundress. January in Australia was so much different than January back home. I reigned from a small town on the east side of Michigan. I met Matt in college, and moved here when he did. I still wasn't used to everything, like how everyone drove on the left side of the rode and the weather.

"Luna? Can you come here a minute?!" Jay yelled from his room. I flattened my fly away hairs on my head and headed to my best friend's room.

"What's up?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe. Jay stood, hunched over his computer desk. He straightened up and walked towards me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me." He smiled. I nodded my head.

"Hell yeah! Just a second!" I rushed back to my room, grabbing my white and blue handbag, phone, and my white and blue sunhat that matched my dress and bag.

"Where are you off to, princess?" Matt asked, watching me zip around the room like a little fairy.

"Jay and I are going to the mall. I'll be back in a little bit, okay?" I leaned down and pecked his lips. He slid a hand into my hair and deepened the kiss. I giggled and broke free, making my way out into the hall. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" He called.

I bounded down the stairs, tripping on the last step. I caught myself and stood still for a second to regain my balance.

"You're a hazard to yourself." Jay laughed as he opened the front door for me. I shrugged my shoulders and exited the house, slinging my bag over my shoulder and my hat on my head. The sun was bright and warm, such a stark contrast to Michigan this time of year.

"Get any good kills in Fortnite?" I asked as we hopped into Jay's car. He shrugged as he drove us towards the mall.

"Not really. How are you and Matt?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, earning a laugh from my lips.

"We are good. Couldn't ever be better. I love him so much. He makes me happy." I smiled. I looked out the window dreamily, thinking of my boyfriend. Some might consider me clingy or obsessive, but what those people didn't understand was that was my first real boyfriend. He was my first kiss, my first date, everything. The only thing he wasn't a first for was my first time, and that was only because I hadn't ever had sex. It just never appealed to me before. I thought of it with Matt, but living in a house with four other guys, it's hard to get your rocks off.

Jay chuckled and turned on the radio. He began singing along to whatever bullshit pop song was on the station. I tuned into his voice, still thinking about my lovely boyfriend. Call it cheesy, but I hoped Matt was my first and last everything. I didn't ever want to be with anyone else.

"Earth to Luna." Jay said around a chuckle. I blinked, coming back down to Earth. We were at the mall already. Huh.

I got out of the car and skipped along, enjoying the summer heat. The Kiwi watched and laughed at my antics. He doubled over when I almost ran into the door. At least it opened automatically.

"We need to put you in a hamster bubble." He joked as he slung his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged and blushed as I tried to keep my feet at a steady pace. I loved the summer time. It was nice to be able to jump and run around and be free. You couldn't do that in winter back home.

Jay moved to the Off White store. I followed, looking around at everything. Jay babbled on like a schoolgirl with a crush, looking at all the masks and other items. I glanced around, deciding to go off on my own.

As I exited the Off White store, I could have sworn I saw Cam, Toby, and Matt at the food court. But that wasn't possible. Cam was still in New Zealand, and Toby and Matt were at home. Matt would have surely told me if he was going to be here.

I shrugged it off. It was obviously nothing. Just some guys that had the same hair color and height differences as my friends. It happened a lot, honestly.

But I did read a lot of creepy stories and urban legends from time to time. I enjoyed that kind of shit. I had even minored in Cryptozoology in college. Of course, I wouldn't ever pursue a career in something that I couldn't fully enjoy. If I spent my life chasing myths, I'd never be truly happy in my work.

The look a like to Matt looked up, catching my eye. He winked my way and turned around, walking away. I followed after him, confused. When I came to the store I had thought he had turned into, he was gone.

I frowned and tilted my head to the side like a confused bird. I shook off the creepy feeling I got. It seemed to crawl up my back like a spider and latch onto my lungs and heart. The feeling didn't go away until I was back with Jay, who hadn't once left the Off White store.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. You okay?" He asked. I nodded. I didn't want to tell him what happened.

"Yeah. Just saw the prices of things here. Holy shit." I laughed nervously. Jay seemed to buy my lie and went on with buying some masks and shit. I kept glancing around, especially when I seemed to get the chills. I peeked out the front window and could have sworn I saw my own boyfriend leaning against the wall, watching me. I shook my head again and moved closer to Jay, wrapping my hands around his arm. Whatever the fuck was going on was creepy and I didn't like it. If we didn't leave soon, I was going to throw up.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now