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"So... I wanted to ask you guys a favor." I said.

"Go for it, mate." Mason said, leaning against Jay.

"I'm going to ask Melody to marry me after all of this bullshit is settled. And I want your guys' help." I said. I made sure Melody wasn't coming downstairs.

"Of course we'll help you." Cam said with a smile.

I smiled, relieved. I couldn't wait to ask her to marry me, and then to actually marry her.

"We totally need to celebrate once everything's cooled down." Mason said with a large grin on his face.

"Hell yeah!" Eric yelled a little too loudly. I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless. Both girls came down with Mel's dad. Luna and Mell stood by each other, almost awkwardly.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

Luna frowned at Mel before giving her a side hug. She pulled back and began speaking, "I was adopted. No big deal. I loved my family. I had a good childhood. But I found out who my real family is. And Mel is my family."

"We're twins. Fraternal." Mel sighed. She avoided eye contact with everyone.

"Mel think this changes things, but it doesn't. I'm still going to bug Toby and kill him if he hurts her. She's still going to be up Matt's ass when I'm up Jay's. We'll still be friends." The blonde smiled, leaning her head against my love's shoulder.

"That's freaky as fuck." Mason stated.

"It's honestly really gangsta." Eric grinned.

I nodded my head. "The only thing that changes is that Matt and I will be related by marriage in the future." I grinned, nudging Matt's shoulder. I stood up and held Mel, rubbing her back and giving her small kisses on her cheek. She smiled and nuzzled into my chest.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now