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Matt played with my hair as I lay on his lap. Jay was silent, drawing little shapes on my legs. It made me sick, in a way, to know his feelings for me. I risked my life for his girlfriend, but did he even think of Anna that way anymore?

"I'm sure someone else will come looking for them." I muttered as I closed my eyes.

"Yeah, probably. We're ready, though." Matt replied.

"Are we? Because Eric was brutally beaten by them. I was brutally abused by them. Just because we got the easier ones out of the way doesn't mean anything. They'll probably come prepared this time." I frowned.

"It will be okay." Jay said softly. He had a small smile on his face. "Don't you worry about us, Lu. We've got this."

"Yeah, a former Starbucks barista and a former theater kid, what could go wrong?" I grumbled. I didn't mean to sound so nasty, but I was truly terrified for them.

Jay's phone rang. He picked it up and answered, going pale almost immediately. He handed me the phone and I cautiously took it.

"Baby girl, you took off at the hospital." My blood ran cold. It was the other Matt. "Now, I'm not going to do anything to Anna or your other friends here, unless you disobey me again."

"W-What do you want?" I asked, my voice raw with emotion.

"Dump your precious little Matt. Hurt him. Shatter his heart. And your little friend, Jay, too. Do it, and meet me outside of the place you're staying at in two hours. I'll have Anna with me, safe and sound. I promise. But defy me, and I will make sure the funeral is strictly closed casket." He hung up then, causing shivers to go down my spine.

Son of a bitch. Okay, alright. I could do this. He was coming here, we could kill him.

"Matt's on his way, with Anna. We have to be sneaky about this, or she won't make it. He told me to hurt you both, so when he shows up, we're going to pretend that I slept with Jay, okay? And that you're very pissed, Matt. That's the plan." I stated, handing Jay back his phone. Both boys nodded their heads.

"Okay. We've got this. We can do this." I whispered, more to myself. I was terrified. What if he got the drop on us and killed Anna? Or what if he killed my Matt? I couldn't live without Matt. It wasn't plausible.

"Luna." Jay snapped his fingers in my face and pulled me against his chest. I buried myself into the soft Off White hoodie he had on, shaking like a leaf. He shushed me, rubbing his hand up and down my back and singing softly to one of my favorite sings. I cried into his chest until I was too weak to even keep my eyes open. I drifted off to sleep, praying that I'd wake up from this living nightmare.

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