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I was the first one awake. I was just so happy to be able to see my dad again after all this time.

I carefully got out of the bed, Toby stirred a little bit but that was it. I went downstairs to find my dad in the kitchen, his natural habitat.

"I think you've spent more time in the kitchen than you've been asleep in your whole life," I laughed and kissed my dad on the cheek.

"You know how much of a perfectionist I was, but I'm not that much anymore. And plus, I'm making breakfast for you kids," My dad looked at me and smiled while he was making bacon.

I sat down on the counter next to my dad and watched him. I always loved to watch my dad cook, it was a terrible habit of mine.

"I've taking a liking to your boy up there," My dad said as he placed another piece of bacon in the pan. It sizzled and popped for a few seconds.

"Toby?" Dad nodded as he watched the bacon. "Yeah, he's a sweetheart. I love him so much," I smiled just thinking about him.

After the bacon was done cooking, dad looked me in the eyes.

"You make sure that he treats you right. I don't want your relationship to be like how it was with me and your mother, alright?" I nodded.

My mother and father's relationship was rock solid until I turned 16, then it all went to shit because my mom became an alcoholic. It was terrible.

By this time, the rest of the boys, except for Toby, were awake and downstairs. They kept telling me to go wake him up while we were eating breakfast, but I protested, saying that he should sleep since it's been a bad couple of days.

"Look what I found," Dad came into the living room with a handful of photo albums.

"No dad," I sighed. Every single time I swear. "Why do you have to do this to me?"

The boys all wanted to look at the photos of me when I was a baby until I was like 10. My dad loved to torture me.

The whole time, we were laughing and talking about what was going on in those photos and why they were taken. It was a good time, it almost made me forget about the crisis we were in.

Dad said that he wanted to get to know the boys more and he said that he wanted to take them shopping. They all agreed and left me here with sleeping Toby.

To occupy myself, I found the rest of the photo albums in my dad's room and I looked at all of them, even the ones we already looked at.

Today was becoming a good day.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now