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Jay's arm would not leave from my shoulders. I wasn't complaining, but it was odd. Jay had always been protective of me, and I him. But even now, he had a death grip on me.

"Jay," I nudged his cheek with my nose. "What's wrong?"

"I know that the Matt I punched wasn't our Matt, but the way he and Cam talked about you pisses me off. And Melody, too. I don't know what they want with you two, but I'll die before I let them have you." He stated.

"What happened back at the house?" Matt asked, glancing at us through the rearview mirror.

"You tried to have sex with me, and then decided you wanted to go to the club to get laid. Jay punched you and you beat the shit out of him." I sighed. I leaned my head in Jay's shoulder.

Matt looked at Jay's face and frowned deeply. "I'm sorry, Jay. You know I'd never do that to either of you."

"That's not the worst part. Cam came in and threatened me. Saying how you, the evil one, was going to punish Luna." Jay's hands clenched into fists and I could just see his blood boiling beyond his face.

"No one is getting Luna or Melody." Matt stated.

"Where can we go that they won't find us?" I whimpered.

"I don't know, love, but we have a head start on them." My loving boyfriend sighed.

I opened my phone to see Twitter notifications from so many people. There was a police article with a picture of Melody and I.

Girls missing. May have been kidnapped by rogue gang.

"Fuck," Jay hissed as he saw the headline.

"We are so totally fucked." I groaned.

"How do we placate them?" Jay asked, holding onto me even tighter.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring. He answered it, half afraid. "Hello?"

I could hear Anna's voice on the other line. "WHAT THE HELL JAY?!"

"A-Anna... What's wrong?" He choked.


I cringed and texted Ryan: Melody and I aren't missing. The guys and us, minus Eric, are fine. Please find the REAL Eric and make sure he's safe. Tell Anna that the REAL Jay loves her. Keep tabs on the REAL Cam in NZ. I promise we'll explain it all soon.

I watched the cars go by, feeling completely broken. Everything was ruined. And if we didn't get a handle on this, soon, the boys' careers would be over.

I could hear Anna gasp and scream on the other end of the call with Jay.

"ANNA?! ANNA!" Jay screamed. The next voice to be heard on the other line sent shivers down my spine.

"Anna will be safe, but not for long. Return those two pretty little girls back to the house and I'll make sure the only thing Anna is is spooked. Otherwise... Well, I don't think you want to find out." It was Cam.

"Please, don't hurt her. She's not apart of this." The Kiwi begged the other one.

"She is because you love her. You've got 24 hours to bring them back." He hung up immediately. Jay's face slumped. His body trembled with sobs.

I frowned, pulling out my phone. I had no way to contact them... Unless..

I texted Anna's phone: Cam? It's Luna. Let Anna go. You or Matt can pick me up when we stop.

I leaned back in my seat, burying myself in the hoodie I had on. I tried not to cry, because I was so scared of what awaited me back at that house of horrors. But Anna didn't deserve to be hurt because of this. And I cared for Jay and her far more than I did myself. I just hope the others could get away with Melody in time.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now