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Matt and I drove Mason back home. His dad got into a car accident and he needed to go to the hospital immediately. Of course, Matt and I decided to take him, so he wouldn't be alone.

"MonkaS, dude. I hope he's alright." Mason sighed from the back seat.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked, peeking at him through the rearview mirror.

"That he was in bad shape but not like... Gonna die or anything. Just that it was bad and I should be there." He sighed deeply and slumped in his seat. I frowned. Poor Mason.

"Almost there, buddy." Matt said in a soothing voice. I smiled at his caring nature.

We hadn't quite told anyone we were leaving. We just kind of left. I figured that Melody would sleep the whole night through. Luna would probably text Matt, or just hang out with Jay. The others wouldn't even question it, really.

We pulled up the correct hospital, Mason jumping out before the car had stopped moving. Matt cursed at him before parking and getting out, too. I followed, trying to keep the blonde Aussie from getting into too much trouble.

Matt and I stayed in the waiting room while Mason went to see his dad. We waited for several minutes before Jay showed up.

"Jay? What are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

Jay shrugged. "Heard what happened and wanted to check on Mason."

"Is Luna with you?" Matt questioned with a raised eyebrow. Wherever Jay went, Luna followed. Those two were fucking inseparable, almost like Mason and Melody. Man, she'd probably be pissed I didn't wake her to come with.

Jay's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before returning to normal, almost like he had a realization. "I thought she was with you, dude? Weren't you two going to fuck for the first time?"

Matt immediately stood up, standing in front of Jay. "That's not funny." He hissed.

Jay threw his hands up in the air. "My mistake. Thought that's what she told me."

The brunette shook his head and exited the hospital, pulling his phone out along the way. I sighed and decided to text Melody, so if she did wake up, she wouldn't freak out too much.

Hey love. Mason had a family emergency, so Matt and I brought him home. We'll be back soon. Love you. 😘

I locked my phone as Mason emerged from the hallway. His hair was disheveled, but he looked fine otherwise.

"Hey man. How is he doing?" Jay asked. He and Mason hugged, but it wasn't like usual. Jay was barely hugging him back. He normally gave Mason bear hugs, especially at a time like this.

"He's doing alright. Want to come see him?" Jay nodded and left with Mason back to the room. I waited for Matt. I could see him pacing outside the hospital.

My finger hovered over Melody's contact. I almost felt like I should call her, to make sure she's okay. But I didn't. I didn't want to disrupt her sleep.

After a few moments, the light above Mason's dad's door began blaring a loud noise and blinking in a red color. Nurses and doctors alike rushed into the room. Jay stepped out, barely hugging a distressed Mason.

"What happened?" I asked as I jogged over to them.

"He flatlined." Jay said simply. His tone of voice lacked emotion, and so did his eyes. That wasn't like him. What the hell was going on here?

I hugged Mason tightly, giving him the comfort he so badly needed. It didn't make sense to me that Mason's dad would flatline. He was fine, from what I could tell from what Mason and the doctor said.

"It's going to be okay." I shushed the sobbing boy. I felt a pit of despair open in my gut. Something was wrong, especially with Jay. This whole situation was fucked.

What the fuck was going on anymore?

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now