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I was on my phone when it vibrated in my hand and a text popped up from Toby. It said that he was at the hospital with Matt and Mason. I looked over at the Toby laying next to me. He was laying on his side, his back facing me, probably asleep since he was snoring softly.

I slowly get out of bed, grabbing my car keys off my bed side table. Carefully walking out of the room, I make my way downstairs and out the door, surprisingly not drawing attention to myself. My car was in the driveway, no cars blocking me from leaving.

I made my way out of the neighborhood, and I made my way to the hospital. I've always had a short temper with Mason but for fucks sake he was my best friend. I would always be there for him no matter whether or not we fought earlier that day.

If I get to that hospital, and my best friend is crying, I am going to die. It always breaks me to see him upset because in our friendship, I'm the emotional one, always becoming upset almost all the time.

I basically jump out of the car after turning it off after I arrive at the hospital. It doesn't take me long to find three boys sitting together, the one in the middle looking like he cried his eyes out.

"Oh my god, Mason," My voice broke as I looked at him. Toby, Matt, and Mason looked up at me, Mason being the first one to jump up and run over to me.

He bear hugged me and started to cry into my shirt. "Shh.. It's okay Mace. I'm here now. Come on, let's sit down," I led him to the couch and we sat down.

As I was rubbing his back, I looked up to Toby, pointing at him with my other hand. "I'm mad at you," I glared at him.

"I know, but you were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to wake you," Toby looked at me apologetically.

"This is my best friend we're talking about. I need to be here for him. It's fine though, I'm here now."

After Mason calmed down, he layed down on my lap. It wasn't until I started to run my fingers through his hair that he fell asleep. He looked like very peaceful when he slept, something I liked very much because he was a very noisy kid.

"I'm glad you're here," Toby came up to me, making me jump a little which make him chuckle. "Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you," I shake my head.

"It's okay, I was just zoned out, worrying about this one," I motioned towards Mason, who looked very comfy.

"He said he wouldn't sleep or eat until either we got home or you got here. It was very concerning, but you got here and now he's asleep, which is good." Toby smiled softly, making my heart involuntary skip a beat. It's been so long since we started dating and he still does that to me.

I remembered what happened back at the house and I look at Toby with worry in my eyes. "Something happened back at the house.. When I woke up, you were laying there, staring at me. You were trying to make me have sex with you.. I didn't know what to do, I was freaking out, but I told you no.."

I couldn't look at him now, I didn't want to start crying.

"Sweetheart, look at me. You know I would never, in a million years, try and push you to do something you didn't want to do. That wasn't me, something is happening with everyone right now and it's bad," Toby leaned over and kissed my forehead, which calmed me down.

My Toby was much better than the one that's at the house.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now