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Two of them were gone. It was a fucking fantastic feeling, knowing it was only downhill for them.

Toby had gotten injured, but it wasn't something that would kill him. As Melody and Jay helped him inside, Mason was celebrating. He was jumping around and cheering.

"Calm down Mace. Those two were one of the weaker ones. Cam and Eric are the bosses of this video game," I put my hand on his shoulder and chuckled.

I noticed Luna go into the house so I followed her. We had gone into the kitchen where Toby and Jay were.

"Where's Melody?" Luna asked, looking around for her sister.

"Upstairs getting a first aid kit," Jay said, sitting up on the counter.

Toby was sitting in a dining chair, his injured arm up on the table. He was just staring at nothing.

Melody came down and put the small box on the table. Before she was able to open it, Luna gave her sister a hug.

"I'm so proud of you. I was scared for you, thinking that they would take you away." Luna sounded like she was going to cry.

Mel chuckled at her sister. "I'm fine, Lu. I'm proud of you too. It must have been scary to go into their car when they could've easily turned around," The girls let go of each other and Mel told Luna to go rest on the couch and Jay had followed her.

Melody opened the first aid kit and started treating Toby's wound. They weren't talking to each other which was a little nerve wracking, but I'm sure it was nothing.

I went and sat on the couch next to Luna and she put her head on my lap and her legs on Jay.

I knew Jay was pissed at me, but he had his best friend back. He shouldn't complain.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now