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I smiled and chuckled softly as Melody fell asleep half way through the movie. I turned it off and snuggled with her for a few minutes before getting up and heading down to see what the others were doing. Mason and Jay were sitting in front of the TV, playing Mario Kart. Eric watched, and Matt and Luna weren't down here. I assumed they were upstairs.

"Hey Toby." Eric greeted as I sat down next to him. "Where's Mel?"

"Sleeping," I responded shortly, getting comfy and watching the other two childishly push and shove each other while trying to win the game.

After a while, Matt and Luna came down the stairs. Well, Matt did, Luna tripped. We all laughed as she stood up, her cheeks as red as Jay's shirt. She puffed out her cheeks like an anime character and glared at us.

We were interrupted from our giggling fit by the doorbell going off. Matt, being closest to the door, opened it, revealing Fitz.

"What are you doing here, man?" Matt asked. None of us were expecting Cam for a few more weeks.

"Just thought I'd come visit before officially moving down here." He smirked, his eyes roaming over the group of us.

I saw Luna tense. She tugged on Matt's shirt sleeve like a child, trying to pull him away from the door. Cam entered, enveloping the smaller girl in a hug.

"I missed you, Luns." He said, squeezing her tightly. She squirmed and wiggled around until he let her go.

"N-Nice to see you, Cam." She replied in a quiet voice. "I-I'm going to take a shower." She quickly jumped up the stairs like a bat out of hell.

Fitz took a seat next to me, slinging an arm behind the couch. "Where's Melody?"

"Asleep." I responded. I got kind of chilled by Cam's presence. He wasn't one to just show up out of the blue, but it was okay. It's not like we didn't enjoy his company; he was our best friend.

I jolted with an intense shiver and frowned. What the fuck? It's hot as balls outside. What was wrong with me? Was I coming down with something?

"You okay?" Cam asked, side eyeing me.

"I'm fine." I replied. I decided to go back to my room and check on Melody. I excused myself and headed up the stairs. Melody was still asleep, looking peaceful and beautiful. I made sure she was all tucked in before I turned my laptop on and began to edit some video footage.

Here in my room, it was a fairly decent temperature. So why the hell was I so cold downstairs? It made no sense to me in the slightest. And I was fine before Cam showed up. Oh well, it was probably nothing.

I scrolled through social media, looking for fans' suggestions for my new second channel. As I was scrolling, I was met with a bunch of tweets tagging me in a video. I curiously clicked on it, watching as someone resembling me lit a shit ton of expensive clothing on fire and flipped off the camera. Okay, weird. I never did that?

I retweeted one of the tweets and stated that it was not me in the video and I had not, nor would ever, do something stupid like that. It was dumb to buy clothes just to burn them, especially ones from Off White and Balenciaga. It was probably a prank video someone posted to try and trick my fans. It's happened before with other Youtubers, wouldn't surprise me.

I turned off my computer after saving my editing work and crawled back into bed with Melody. She stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. I wrapped my arms around her and placed a soft kiss to her forehead before cuddling close to her. I hoped she was having peaceful dreams.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now