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Jay and I watched Toby drive off with Melody and Mason. I know that he loves Melody, and I do too, but Luna's my girl and I need to get her back.

I looked over at Jay. "Get in the car, we're going," He looked over at me, probably thinking that I meant that we're leaving Luna with them, fuck that noise.

"We're not leaving her Jay so get in the fucking car." I was pissed, and probably so was Jay.

He got into the car and I sped off before he even closed the door. We were going to get my baby girl back whether those bastards like it or not. Nobody ever takes away what's mine.

I just kept thinking and thinking about what they might do to Luna until Jay yelled at me, which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Slow down. I want to save her too, but I don't want to get a speeding ticket before we do," He had his hands on the dashboard, making sure that he doesn't fall.

I apologized and I slowed down, until I saw that bastard's car. Then I sped the car up just a little bit so that I would be able to still see him without bringing any attention to myself.

"There he is, that son of a bitch. I'm going to kill him and everyone else if they dare try and touch her." I was getting more and more pissed by the second. My baby girl was in there, probably scared out of her mind because of those bastards who decided to come into our lives and fuck everything up.

Jay then got a call from Melody, which he put on speaker.

"You boys better be careful. I'm not losing another one of my best friends again," She paused, taking a deep breath. "We're headed to Canberra right now and we're going to find a motel for the night, then head off to Sydney. After you get Luna back, make sure nobody follows you, okay?"

I sighed, "Yeah, you guys be careful too. We'll hopefully see you later."

Jay hung up the phone and put it in his pocket.

"You sound mad," Jay said looking over to me.

"Yeah, I'm a little irritated because of Toby, but I'll get over it."

I focused on driving now, I need to get my baby back from those things.

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