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My heart was racing so much. I had sent the text to the other Mason about wanting to go to the house and where I was.

He sent a text back saying that he would be there in a while with Toby. Of course he would bring Toby. He was basically my evil boyfriend.

I told the others that he was bringing Toby and they started getting ready.

My Toby was nervous, I could see it. I looked over at him, told him it would be just fine, that once these two were over with, it'll be fine.

"Mel," I heard Cam from behind me. I looked up at him. I hadn't really noticed until now how much taller he was than me. He pulled me over to him and gave me a hug. "You're so brave and you're going to do great."

"Thanks Cam." I sighed and took a deep breath. He let me go and I sat on the steps of the house, waiting for Mason and Toby.

When Mason had texted me saying that they weren't that far out and it should be about 15 minutes until they reached the house, I started getting more and more nervous by the second.

I had everyone get ready and into position. Making sure to hide where they wouldn't be able to see them.

I gulped when I saw the car. It was scary knowing that two of the people I loved most were in there, except that it wasn't them.

"It's good to finally see you again my love," Not my Toby said as he and Mason got out of the car. "I was wondering when you finally decided to come to your senses,"

"I wouldn't necessarily say that, but whatever floats your boat I'm fine with," I hated this man who was wearing my boyfriend's face.

Toby walked up to me, smiling like he was going to eat me. It sent shivers down my spine. I looked away from him but he gently grabbed by chin, forcing me to look at him and when I did, he harshly kissed my lips.

I hated this, I couldn't feel my Toby's gentleness in him anywhere. Well I guess I wouldn't find it since it wasn't my Toby.

"Jesus H. Christ hurry up," Mason interuppted Toby and I thanked him mentally. "You two can fuck when we get back home."

In the corner of my eye I could see my Toby tense up. It killed him to see this imposter try and seduce me.

"You two stay there, I need to go get my phone off the kitchen table, I'll be right back," I ran back into the house and got my phone. When I ran back outside I stopped on the steps with an evil smile on my face.

"What's that look for?" Mason looked at me with a disgusted look on his face.

"Underoos!" I yelled and out rang two gunshots, one hitting Mason and one hitting Toby. Not killing them but injuring them sufficiently.

I mentally laughed at the code word Mason decided on and mentally thanked my dad for having his hunting rifles in the house.

My Mason came out from behind some bushes, pointing one of the rifles at the other Mason and Cam pointing the other one at the other Toby.

While the two demons were stunded, Luna ran to the car which was still unlocked and she grabbed their phones, which they stupidly left and she smashed them so that the others couldn't track them.

This was war and we had luck on our side and we had those two fucking cornered, those bastards.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now