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While Toby, Matt, and... Dad.. made food, I pulled Jay outside with me. I needed to talk to him.

"I know it wasn't you who hurt me, obviously, but it was your face and... I'm just going to need a little time to heal." I whimpered.

Jay frowned. "Luna, I would never hurt you. But I respect your decision."

I nodded, playing with the sleeves of my shirt. I went to walk back inside, but Jay gently grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Thank you for saving Anna. But I think you should know... Luna.. I never wanted to stop going after you. Matt did.. And I'm not trying to cause shit here, but I would've gone to hell and back for you." He whispered.

I shook my head. "Jay, don't." The idea of Matt not coming after me did hurt, but I had told him not to.

Jay let go of my arm and walked back inside. I followed, deciding to sit next to Eric this time. I felt terrible that we had left him, but I was just glad he was safe now.

"So what do we do about the situation? Do we go back there, guns blazing, literally? Or do we lure them out, one by one?" Mason asked.

"We should lure them out." Mel said. "That way it'll be easier."

I nodded in agreement. "It should be easy to lure Matt and Jay out, and Toby and Mason. Eric and Cam might be a problem though."

"Then once the others are dead, we'll head to the house and finish them off." Cam suggested.

"Dinner!" Toby called from the kitchen. While everyone got up to eat, I stayed put. I wasn't hungry, and I just wanted a few minutes alone.

I didn't know if Jay and I were ever going to go back to how we were before. Matt and I could, but it would be a bit of a challenge, too. But at least I had my family back together.

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