New Adventure

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By the time the end of the week came around you were exhausted. Between finishing up packing and your last shift at work, you were ready to just sit down and have a beer at your favorite bar. 

You worked at a family owned restaurant and your boss was sweet, but some of your coworkers were just really lazy so you had to make up the slack. Your last night was a disaster; not one, not two but three of your coworkers had called in saying they couldn't come. One was dealing with family issues so you understood that but the other just said they didn't feel like coming in and the third didn't give a reason; so to say you were mad, was an understatement.
Part of you kept thinking it was your last day, and you were moving far away so you could just walk out the door and say F' it, to all of this, but the other part of you really loved your boss and didn't want to screw her over. So you finished your shift, practically running to get peoples drinks and food out in time but as your last table cleared a gentleman walked in the door and headed to the bar, locking eyes with you. He winked at you then ordered a drink sitting down on the bar stool. 

Your bar tender told the guy they would be closing soon but he insisted on having at least one drink. When you walked up to the bar to help out your friend Tony, you heard the man say 

"Look man, it's been a long day. I just need a drink, I promise I'll be out of your way soon." Tony gave up arguing and gave a beer to the man then walked towards your boss. 

You eyed up the man noticing he was dressed nice, wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and dress pants; but it wasn't until he looked at you that he caught your breath. He had short spiked black hair, and piercing blue eyes with a smile on his face as you approached. You couldn't help but think that he was attractive; you took a breath clearing your mind as politely said to the man

"Hey, I know you said you've had a rough day and all, but it has been a long day for all of us, so you can finish your drink then we'd appreciate it if you left so we can clean." 

Right after you said this the guy smiled then shook his head looking at you then down at his feet he then turned to the bartender asking

"Can we have another beer over here please?" You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head in disbelief, questioning if this guy even heard what you said. You stepped closer and with a stern voice said

"Hey. I meant it. We are in the process of closing and you can't just come in here and expect to drink away a bad day. There is a bar across the street if you want more drinks." 

Your coworker was laughing to himself proud of you for being sassy to this guy, but once the man looked at you he smiled again and you lost your temper. You put down your tray on the counter and began to say something but the man said

"Look, I wasn't trying to cause trouble. I'll go across the street. But I'd like it if you joined me. By the sounds of it, you could really use a free drink." He smiled those pearly whites once more at you, proud of himself and you both knew it. You huffed out loud putting your hands on your hip and looked away from him then took another breath and replied

"Make it a few free drinks. And you head out now so we can clean." He smiled as he pulled money out of his wallet, leaving a hefty tip. He stood up looking at you with a smirk saying

"I'll gladly get out of your way, if it means I get to have a drink with you." He paused for a second as he walked back towards the door then he turned to face you once more saying "I'll see ya across the street." 

You laughed in shock with how confident this guy was then looked at Tony and your boss and they both burst out laughing at what had just happened. Your boss walked away from Tony out from the bar and gave you a tight hug then said

"Why don't you head out now?" You were surprised at what she was saying but then shook your head squinting your eyes as you replied

"I can help you guys clean. This is my last day with you, that wouldn't be fair." Your boss laughed, grabbing the side of your shoulders so you were facing her as she said 

"What wouldn't be fair, is if you didn't give me details of how things go tonight. You may be moving away but you still have my number." She chuckled pulling you in for one final hug then as you began to rebuttal she continued "Go! Tony and I got this." You smiled at her giving her one final hug then walking to Tony to give him a hug then walked to the door turning back to face them as you said

"I'm going to miss you guys. I'll make sure to call." You all smiled at each other and they waved as you stepped out the door. 

Author- Hope you like it! Promise I'll get to Jared and everyone soon! Let me know what you think so far! :) 

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