The scavenger hunt begins

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Warning: Fluffy as fuzzy pants

When you woke up you felt a breeze up your bare back, waking you instantly. You opened your eyes seeing Jensen on the floor with you, but the blanket wrapped around his waist. You laughed as you scooted closer to him, pulling the blanket to cover yourself. Jensen moved a little when you pulled the blanket but he didn't wake up until you started placing soft kisses on his bare chest. You were laying on top of Jensen, kissing his collar bone, and then just above his pecks when he finally woke up. Jensen chuckled to himself then kissed the top of your head as he grumbled

"Good Morning." You looked up staring into his eyes, the light from the windows hitting them perfectly to show off that stunning green color. You smiled leaning forward to give to him a kiss on the lips, then you pulled back replying

"Good morning handsome." Jensen pulled you back on top of him as he gave you another kiss, this one lasting a little longer before Jensen moved back asking

"What sounds good for breakfast?" You smiled thinking of what you wanted and then you remembered what you were going to tell Jensen last night. You chuckled as you moved off of Jensen and crawled over to where your clothes were. When you were digging through your jacket pocket; Jensen squinted at you confused asking

"What are you looking for?" You laughed a little louder this time, but then you finally had a hold of what you were looking for. You pulled the blanket with you as you crawled back over to Jensen handing him the card you got from Misha for your birthday. Jensen's expression quickly changed, he was still confused but now he was kind of skeptical of what you were trying to tell him. He gave you a look, then took a breath as he said

"Look, I'm really not the jealous, clingy, jerk but what is going on between you and Misha is really getting to me, and I'm trying not to let it." You lightly smiled kissing Jensen then you took it from his hands opening the card as you said

"Misha has a scavenger hunt for us to do today. He said he had the fans secretly help but it starts with a paid breakfast, and then some other fun things...and I know I have hurt your feelings because of things, but I mean it when I say you are the one I want, and that I love you with all my heart. But I think it would be fun for us to do this." Jensen raised his eyebrows kind of scared a little, thinking of what Misha and the fans, could have planned for the two of you, then you laughed begging

"C'mon, it'll be fun. That and we owe it to him, and ourselves to do this after last night. And we can post fun pictures to thank the fans for the fun date." Jensen rolled his eyes then glared at you as he chuckled replying

"I am not taking a billion photos, but I guess we can do it." You laughed thanking Jensen then, yelling 'yay'. You leaned forward giving Jensen one more kiss before you grabbed his shirt off the floor pulling it over your head as you sat up reading the first step that said 'go get your next clue in your mailbox'. You had a huge smile as you laughed standing up and quickly sliding Jensen's pants on before you opened the door and reached around the corner for the mailbox. You heard Jensen laughing at your excitement from inside but then he yelled

"And what am I supposed to do now?" You assumed he was talking about you wearing his clothes, but when you came back inside with a small box, you saw Jensen had the blanket wrapped around his waist. You stared at his chiseled chest and abs, your eyes traveling all the way down before you smirked and looked at Jensen saying

"Never mind, maybe we should just stay inside." Jensen fully laughed throwing his head back then shook his head, lunging at the box in your hand as he said

"Oh no! You wanted to do this hunt, we are doing it." You pierced your lips together jokingly pouting then walked over to Jensen hugging him as he opened your box to reveal a shirt that read 'Birthday girl' with instructions that you were to wear this today and head to the diner listed on the card. You laughed seeing how cheesy, yet cute the shirt was but when you read the card, it was a new cafe you hadn't been to. Jensen smiled reading the cafe and then laughed as he just nodded then looked at you saying

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