I love my family

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You were just starting to get used to the weather in Chicago, IL when you got the call from your brother Jared, his wife had his daughter Odette; then everything changed

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You were just starting to get used to the weather in Chicago, IL when you got the call from your brother Jared, his wife had his daughter Odette; then everything changed. 

Jared has always been there for you, whether it was for a dance recital or real life issues such as break ups and deaths, and fun things like dressing up with you on Halloween while growing up. One year for Halloween you dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, and although he was older than you, he dressed up as the grandma so you would have someone to go trick or treating with. Jared was always there for you; it was important for you to be there for him, so you decided you were going to move to Texas and find a job there. That way you  could live closer and could see him, but also help out with the kids. 

It wasn't hard for Jared to get you to move by him since every time you facetimed him Tom and Shep would beg you to come play with them. God those boys were adorable! You always harass Jared that the boys got their good looks from their mom but you knew they both had a good mix of their parents. 

So after you got the call from Jared you immediately started packing your bags in your apartment; then you got a call from my best friend Sadie. Sadie was the complete opposite of you appearance wise, but she shared the same views and values as you, that's why you always got along. She had short black hair and pale skin with hazel eyes with the perfect small body and height. You always felt like the 'duff'(designated, ugly, fat, friend) growing up next to her. You'd always make fun of her height since you towered over her but you made your differences work. Unlike Sadie, you had blonde hair that went down to your chest, and silver eyes; you aren't as tall as Jared but you were tall for a girl. You laughed as you saw the picture of Sadie on your phone with her eyes crossed and sticking her tongue out. You picked up the phone with a smile on your face and before she said anything you said

"Don't you dare scream." Sadie laughed yelling into the phone

"Y/n Padalecki! You're going to move back here!! I get to see my babe everyday!!! I'm so happy!" You laughed pulling the phone away from your ear and then replied

"How did you find out I was moving back to Texas already?" Sadie took a breath then snickered

"Jared called me saying I might have to be his back up housing, in case you drive him nuts, but your ass better come live with me anyway!!" You both laughed then you replied

"Sadie I was going to help them with the kids, specially now that Gen has Odette and the three boys to take care of." You could hear Sadie frown but then she began singing 

"But..I'm all alone! There's no one beside me!" You laughed as you folded one more shirt placing it in your bag, you placed a hand on your hip as you sassed

"Don't be quoting Donkey, from Shrek to me. I will check with Gen and see what she wants to do and then I'll let you know.  But I will be over your apartment a lot." Sadie exhaled and said

"Fine. So when do you leave Chicago?" You took a look around your apartment looking at all the boxes and lightly smiled as you replied

"I should be there by the weekend. I knew I've wanted to move back for a while, so my boss already knows I'm leaving, and my last day is tomorrow...so once I get the truck loaded up I'll be on my way." Sadie laughed replying

"Sounds good! Gives me time to clean out the spare room for when Jared kicks you out." You chuckled but then snarked

"Bye bitch, I'll see ya soon!" Sadie laughed a little louder then confidently said

"Bye jerk, love you!" 

When you hung up the phone you shook your head laughing at the conversation and thinking how dorky it was that you and your best friend always quoted the show. You liked to think it was your way of mocking your brother, but Sadie was a big fan of the show, so you knew she really just loved that the boys called each other that and thought it was adorable so you two copied it. 

Author- Hope you're enjoying it so far! Let me know what you think! 
This is the first part, where will your life take you? And when will you be able to hold Odette! 

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