Magical Birthday

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Warning: Smut-Smutty SmuttyBerg

You and Jensen were driving into town when your phone dinged for the 5th time. You didn't realize you had been ignoring it all day but when you opened your phone you saw there were a few messages from Sadie and notifications online.

Sadie: Acklecki forever but Sa(Y/N) last for eternity
Sadie: What did you do! Haha how is Jensen handling this blow up?
Sadie: Hope you're having fun, I'll see ya for dinner. 😊
Sadie: Can't wait to see you 😘

You read the messages laughing when you remembered you posted the photo of Jensen and then when you looked further into it, you saw that your post was everywhere! Fans had spread it like wildfire, but so had some of the magazines and news people. You were smiling ear to ear as you read some of the articles and comments saying; you guys were the dream couple, and that you were their new favorite person for this. When Jensen stopped the truck he unbuckled looking at you saying

"Alright, we are taking that photo down by the time we get back to the house." You fully laughed looking at Jensen then leaned your head on his shoulder as you looked up at him replying

"I was just giving the fans what they needed, and you shouldn't hide your beauty from the world." Jensen gave you the biggest bitch face then shook his head laughing after he kissed your forehead and got out. Jensen opened your door then handed you the card saying

"Well I guess Misha did something right, and I get my revenge. We are supposed to go in here and 'find our magic'." Jensen emphasized the phrase as you read the card and noticed you were outside a lingerie store. You got out of the truck then your jaw dropped as you looked at the window. You scoffed out loud as you began laughing you looked at Jensen saying

"No. We are not going in there. If someone sees us, it's going to be really awkward after what I posted today." Jensen laughed slightly blushing but then shrugged as he smirked saying

"I don't see anyone around, and the card says that we have the whole place to ourselves." Jensen went to the door, holding it open as he continued "So, after you." You returned the bitch face back at Jensen then laughed as you shook your head saying

"What the hell." You stood straight up and walked inside with confidence. Once you both were in the shop Jensen laughed at your attitude but then he walked next to you grabbing your hand as the both of you went to the cashier, following your instructions. The cashier had a wide smile on their face as they saw you guys they said

"You must be Jensen and Y/n." When you both nodded the cashier smiled even bigger then continued "Well, Misha already has his gift bought for you, but if you would follow me Y/n, we can go get your sizes." You gave Jensen a look then the both of you nervously laughed as you followed the girl towards the fitting room. When you reached the dressing room the girl turned back to you saying

"Your sister-in-law helped us figure out your size based on your things at home, but every set is different so I put a few sizes in there for you to try on. I'll be over there if you need any help." She smiled at you once more, chuckling to herself as she laughed at your reaction to the situation and Jensen just fully laughed out loud then took a seat on the couch saying

"Alright, let's see it beautiful. I want to see what Misha has picked out for you." You shot Jensen a glare as you popped your hip you sassed back

"Well of course you want to see. Well you're just going to have to wait." You squinted at him as you flung the curtain closed and turned around to see what Misha had picked for you. You let out a big laugh as you saw the lingerie set.

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