Just the four of us?

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The next morning you woke up with Jensen's arms wrapped around your waist; as you turned his face was right next to your shoulder on your pillow. You laughed as you jumped a little seeing him that close, but then you smiled to yourself admiring how peaceful and handsome he looked resting. You thought about it and it kind of made you sad that Jensen hardly had any time to himself or to really relax lately. Just then a thought came to mind; you were going to do something for him, but you knew you'd need your brothers help. You looked at Jensen and decided you didn't want to wake him, so you slowly moved his arms and slid out of bed. 

You got showered and dressed for the day and when you came out of the bathroom Jensen was laying in bed on his phone. You smiled pulling the towel off your head as you jumped on the bed and straddled Jensen. You leaned forward giving him a kiss saying

"Good morning sunshine. How'd you sleep?" Jensen laughed pulling you down so that you were laying next to him but he still had his arms wrapped around you as he kissed you once more before he replied

"Good. I take it you slept well with how cheery you are this morning." You chuckled saying

"No, I mean I slept great, but I'm happy because it's going to be a great day. What do you have to do today?" Jensen sighed letting go of you as he stretched and gave you one more kiss before he climbed out of bed saying

"Well, sadly I get to spend the day traveling. I have the convention this weekend; it'll be fun, but I'm going to miss you." You smiled tilting your head at Jensen then sat up, crawling to the edge of the bed as Jensen followed que and met you at the end of the bed. You put your hands around his waist pulling him close to you as you said

"What do you think of me tagging along? I was thinking it would be nice for Gen and the boys to take a trip with me, so we can do stuff together?" Jensen had a big smile on his face then he chuckled leaning forward giving you a chaste kiss and then he stepped back saying

"I would love that, and I'm sure Jared would too." You smiled watching as Jensen walked to the bathroom and got showered and ready for the day. You sat back down on bed and then pulled out your phone texted Gen

Y/N: Hey Gen, so I know this is really last minute, but would you and the boys be able to join me with tagging along with the men to the convention this weekend?

Gen: haha what are you planning? Yeah, I was already planning on going. 

Y/N: You know me so well, I'll fill you in when I see you, but I'm trying to plan something for Jensen, and I'm sure Jared could use it too." 

Gen: Yeah, he could use a happy surprise. I have to get the kids ready but are you two meeting us here or are we picking you up? 

Y/n: Ahh, I'll have to ask Jensen, but I think we can come pick you guys up. We have to get JJ set too, so it'll take a second but I'll give you a 10 minute heads up? 

Gen: Sounds like a plan. :) 

Jensen walked back out looking at you smiling at your phone he laughed asking

"What are you up to? I know you're plotting something." You laughed, almost sounding diabolical but then stood up replying

"No, I was just finalizing with Gen that we were going with you guys." Jensen had a cute smile on his face as he turned around grabbing his watch and bracelet off the dresser then replied 

"Well, let's get the show on the road." You laughed harassing Jensen that he was anxious to leave now but then you started packing your bag for the weekend. 

A few minutes later you and Jensen and JJ were in the truck on your way to pick up Jared his family and then head to the convention. A part of you knew you were going to do something fun for Jensen and Jared, but the other part of you was really excited to go to the convention; you haven't talked to the fans in a while, and it'll be nice to catch up with some cast members you haven't seen in a long time; overall you were just excited for the weekend in general. You were now at the airport getting ready to board when Gen came up wrapping her arm around yours whispering

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now