Nerves got the best

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That night you had a great dinner with your family and Jensen and JJ. Everyone was sitting in the living room sharing stories of their childhood and about their kids, while you stood in the kitchen drinking your beer. Sadie looked around the living room, looking for you then she noticed you were in the kitchen leaning against the counter looking out at everyone. Sadie stood up and walked over to you, folding her arms over her chest as she leaned on the counter next to you saying

"So, we're all out there having a good time and you're being moody in here for what reason?" You took a sip of your beer then laughed at your friend as you showed her the text from Ian saying that he couldn't wait to see you tomorrow. You watched as she read the text but you couldn't read her facial expressions so you said

"I'm not moody, I'm nervous. I mean I have the best people here in my apartment, what if he is some creep, or what if he doesn't get along with everyone?" Sadie smirked replying

"I don't know why anyone wouldn't love us. We are awesome!" Sadie smiled bumping your arm and then putting an arm around your shoulder she continued "Don't worry about that, we will plan it all out tomorrow. For now, come join us and have some fun." You smiled at Sadie nodding as you walked back into the living room with your family. The rest of the night you all shared all sorts of stories. Jared tried embarrassing you telling everyone that when you were in high school you cut your bangs and looked like a boy for months; he even pulled out some photos. But you told everyone how Jared had falling off the stage one time because he was staring at his theater teacher's chest and everyone burst out laughing. Needless to say you both were embarrassed but also had a lot of stories about each other. 

Around 8:30 Jensen and Jared and their families went home leaving you with Sadie to finish the show you were watching. When you waved goodbye as they got into their cars you turned back to Sadie and ran to her saying

"Ok! I need your help figuring out what outfit I'm wearing tomorrow. That's all I've thought about all night. Ian said I have to wear something nice." Sadie laughed at you as she turned the tv off and stood up walking to your room. You followed her then jumped on your bed as Sadie rummaged through your closet. After a few minutes she pulled out about four dresses and looked at you saying

"OK these are my top picks." You looked on your bed where she had placed the dresses next to you and then you put two of them back replying

"I wore black on our last date, so I want to wear some color this time. That and I want to be comfortable." Sadie nodded but didn't reply instead she jumped up on your bed as you changed into one of the dresses looking in the mirror to see if you wanted to wear it. As you were slipping on the other dress Sadie leaned back against your wall asking

"Do I get to meet this guy tomorrow then? I'm thinking I go to the dinner and hide in the background, in case he is a creepy guy." You laughed adjusting your dress then looking at Sadie with a light smile then replied

"How about you can come meet him and I'll let you know where we are going and I'll text you our code word if I need an escape?" Sadie squinted her eyes for a second debating then nodded in agreement and jumped off the bed coming up behind you putting her hands on your shoulders as you both looked in the mirror she said

"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to go clean up and then take a shower and call it an early night though." You shook your head smiling at yourself in a cute dusty pink dress and looked in the direction of your friend as you yelled at her out in the living room

"Thank you! I love you." Sadie took the plates into the kitchen and then replied

"Goodnight, I love you too."
You changed out of your dress and pulled out your phone texting Ian as you laid in bed.

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