Happy Birthday

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Fluffy as a Unicorn

A few weeks had past and it was now time for you to get the cast on your arm off and you could not be more excited. You were sitting in the hospital room with Jensen when you looked over at him on his phone you asked 
"Who are you texting?" Jensen shook his attention away from his phone, smiling as he slid his phone back into his pocket he stood up and walked next to your bed. Jensen chuckled, seeing how anxious you were then he placed a soft kiss on your forehead replying

"No one, I was justing seeing what your brother and his family were doing." You laughed then looked up at Jensen replying 

"They are going to be your family too pretty soon." Jensen laughed but then raised one eyebrow smirking as he said 

"You already are. But they are going to come over for dinner tonight." You smiled kissing Jensen once more, nodding in agreement and then the doctor came in, finally taking your cast off. 

Your leg had been healed for a few days, to where you could finally walk on it without really gimping, so today was really looking up to be a great day for you. You were finally getting the cast off and would feel like everything was going back to normal; also it was your birthday. 

You didn't really plan on doing anything special, but now that Jared and the family were coming over for dinner, you began to think what you could make that would be fun to have for dinner; but would also fill Jared and Jensen. You laughed to yourself thinking you'll have to buy a whole cow, when Jensen grabbed your hand as you walked out of the hospital. Jensen smiled looking at you as he asked 

"What are you chuckling about? Finally happy to be back to normal?" You looked down at your arm, stretching it a little before replying

"Yeah, it feels weird to have that thing off finally. I was almost coming attached to the cast; I had some cool signatures and drawings on there. Maybe I should go back in and ask to keep it?" You were joking beginning to turn around as Jensen squinted at you grabbing your shoulder to pull you back to his side as he said

"I will not have that smelly thing in my house." You leaned your head back laughing as you walked back hitting Jensen as you replied

"Hey! That's a part of me. Literally has my dna in it!" Jensen gave you the stink eye and then just said

"No." He laughed then shook his head looking at you as he continued "God. Sometimes you really remind me of your brother." You fully laughed walking to the other side of the truck as you climbed in and got situated you looked at Jensen, leaning close to him as you said

"I was kidding but hey, you are the one marrying into the family." You winked at him before you leaned forward giving him a kiss. The two of you laughed and talked about what you would do for dinner but then you got back to the apartment and began cleaning the place. 

Before you knew it, it was 4:00pm, and you weren't showered or anything. You put the broom away and then ran upstairs quickly jumping into the shower. Once upstairs you heard voices down the hall in JJ's room. Curiosity got the best of you so you walked over, checking to see if Jensen was talking to her, but it was your brother, Gen and Jensen playing with JJ. You laughed in the doorway then leaned against the door saying
"So. Why was I not invited to the tea party? You guys think it's cool to leave me cleaning the house while you have fun?" Jared cockled and Jensen stood up walking over giving you a hug before he replied 

"No. We were just talking, and ended up coming into JJ's room." You raised an eyebrow then sassed back to Jensen asking

"While JJ isn't here? What are you guys up to?" Jared laughed as he walked in between you and Jensen and tapped your chin up as he snarked

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now