Hide and Seek

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You sat in the passenger seat soaked from the rain, but every thought you had was focused on how you and Jared were going to break into the trailer that had the information on the employees and everyone on set. You were pondering this then heard Jared exhale. You looked over at him, noticing he seemed to relax a little bit from earlier, but the anger was still there. Jared turned facing you as you neared set he said 

"Y/n I'm not saying this again, so you listen now or there will be consequences. You can help with breaking into the trailer, because I will need help with that, but after that you are staying on set in your trailer until I come back." You squinted at Jared, completely annoyed with him trying to demand you around, and crossed your arms as you replied 

"Jared I am not a little girl. I will do what I want, and you can't tell me what to do. Sadie is my best friend. And after hearing what that asshole did to her, and seeing how hurt she was; I'm not going to just sit around and wait." Jared looked to his left looking out the window and then you realized you were at the gate to go onto set. Jared quickly looked at you saying

"We will discuss this later, play along." The guard stopped you in the car and as they saw Jared they asked in a kind manner

"Did you guys get called to set late? I only saw a few cars up there." Jared smiled ruffling his hair then replied

"No, I actually forgot my computer in my trailer and I really needed it to take care of some family things." The guard nodded then opened the gate allowing you in. You chuckled thinking how easy it was for Jared to lie and everyone to believe him. The two of you parked his car in the shadows, grateful that it was now just a soft misty rain; then Jared got out looking at you as he whispered

"Go to my trailer and pretend to be looking for my computer in case someone comes in, and I will head to the main trailer. If they ask where I am say I'm in the bathroom." You let out a small laugh then replied 

"Wow. It scares me how good of a liar you've become, but no. I doubt they will go to your trailer, and the trailer with the files isn't far from yours, so I'll just go with you and help break in." Jared rolled his eyes but knew he wasn't going to be able to get you to stay so he lead the way as you walked close behind. 

When you reached the trailer it seemed like no one was inside, all the lights were turned off and when Jared tried the door it was locked. Jared turned looking at you then said

"I think I can get you through one of the side windows and then you'll just have to unlock the front door for me." You laughed pushing your brother to the side as you pulled out your pocket knife and began playing with the lock to the trailer. Jared was giving you a confused and doubtful look when you replied

"Ok, so I may have done something to your trailer with Misha earlier today, and now I know the trick to get into these things." Before Jared could say his doubts you smirked at him as you stepped back proving your skills, with the door held open for him. You laughed at Jared saying

"Alright, we don't have long till someone comes to do rounds on set though." Jared laughed then walked in the trailer as he asked you 

"How do you know all this?" You shrugged your shoulders laughing then replied

"You don't wanna know." 

You and Jared began going through all the files looking for Jack's information, after the 15th file you pulled up you took a breath saying

"I forgot how many cast members this show had. This is going to take forever." Jared shook his head squinting as he looked at each cabinet then he realized something as he pulled one open Jared smiled replying

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