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The next day you woke up in your bed staring at your ceiling thinking how happy you were to be home and living with your best friend, but then a wide smile spread across your face as you thought of going swimming with everyone later today. With a burst of excitement you flung the covers over jumping out of bed and running into Sadies room. You jumped on her bed, straddling over her as you pushed her shoulders saying 

"If you get up right now and help me unpack my clothes, I will make your favorite breakfast!" Sadie growled loud enough for you to hear but before you knew it she flipped the covers, pushing you backwards and off her bed. Sadie full heartedly laughed saying

"So you have no clue where your swimsuit is, and thats the reason for the urgency of unpacking?" She paused for a second as you took the cover off staring at your friend with a pleading look as you sit on the ground at the foot end of her bed. Sadie continued saying "Fine. But I get to pick out your suit, and I'm not helping make breakfast." You chuckled to her response, standing up as you replied

"Fair enough, I'll get started, and you can start with the boxes on the kitchen table." You both laughed as you turned and walked into the kitchen pulling out a pan to make a veggie omelet and extra bacon strips. Sadie pulled some sweat pants on and then walked into the kitchen scratching her head as she smiled looking at you saying

"You're really excited to see a certain 'someone' today." You turned glaring at your friend as you began breaking the eggs putting them in the pan you looked at Sadie replying

"I am not excited just to see Jensen again, I'm excited because I get to see my nephews and Odette today." Sadie yawned as she moved over to the table unpacking some boxes she replied 

"Uh huh. Sure, I'll go with that." You shot her a look but then didn't reply, needing to focus on the food in front of you. 

By the time you had breakfast done Sadie had moved into the living room looking through all of your things for your suit and just when you were beginning to think you had forgotten it, you hear Sadie yell

"Suck it! I found the perfect one!" Sadie came back into the kitchen just as you were plating her food and began pouring orange juice. When she walked in you had expected to see a bikini thinking Sadie was going to want you to show as much skin, but when she came in with one of your full suit you raised an eyebrow asking

"That's the one you want me to wear? I'm surprised you didn't go with something else, considering your plan to get me to like Jensen." 

(Your suit Sadie picked out for you ^) 

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(Your suit Sadie picked out for you ^) 

Sadie laughed as she held the suit up she snickered

"You will be playing with the boys, so a bikini is too risky, that and you'll be meeting Jensen's daughter JJ. So I figured this way you can impress him with your sexiness, and be a good adult." You raised your eyes for a second then handed Sadie her plate, in exchange for your suit as you replied

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now