Home Sweet Home

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You were on the roads for hours; when you finally pulled into a hotel in Tennessee you decided to call it a day and give Jared a call to tell him where you were and figure out what the plan was for tomorrow. You checked into your room and as you flopped your bag with your clothes and toiletries on the floor you pulled out your phone calling Jared.

"How far did you get today?" Jared asked picking up his phone right away when you called. You smiled then exhaled into the phone as you laid back in bed saying

"I'm about half way, I'm in Tennessee right now, and hoping to leave early tomorrow morning so I should be there around dinner time tomorrow night." You took a breathe then continued saying "Hey so Sadie wants me to move in with her right away and she told me she talked to you and you and Jensen were helping me move my stuff tomorrow?" Jared laughed then replied

"Yeah. I figured this way works out best. This way Sadie isn't over my house everyday, and you have some space to yourself. Y/n I'm not saying you can't stay at our place, because you are welcome to any day, I just thought this would work out nice. You can have the kids during the day and give Gen some company or a break and then during the night we will take them back?" You laughed knowing your brother really liked Sadie but thought she was a little too eccentric sometimes, so you agreed to the plan replying

"Ya know if you really didn't want Sadie to come over everyday you should just let the kids stay with us then." Jared full out laughed chuckling into the phone as he smirked saying

"Fine! Take them. That gives the house to me and Genevieve." You both laughed then you squinted your eyes in disgust and joked with Jared

"Eww never mind I said that. Jar I'm going to go watch some tv and get nasty thoughts out of my head. I'll text you when I leave tomorrow, give my favorite people a kiss goodnight for me." Jared laughed once more agreeing with you, then said goodnight.  

You put your phone down on the nightstand, turning the tv on for background noise as you jumped into the shower. It felt so nice to have the hot water relax your tense muscles after driving for so long. You felt relieved as you stepped out wrapping yourself in a towel; you grabbed your shirt and shorts out of your bag, getting ready for bed when you got a new notification.  You walked over to your phone seeing a new message from Ian.

"Missing you already. How was the drive so far?" He attached a picture of him making a sad puppy dog face and you laughed to yourself. You quickly threw your shirt on and pulled the towel out of your hair, making sure it looked good then took a picture sending a text saying

"I miss you too! ;) It's been a long drive, finally got to my hotel and to relax. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow too. " You put your underwear and shorts on then jumped onto the bed holding your phone to your chest with excitement, waiting for a response. When Ian did respond you read the message

"Dang, even when going to bed after a long day, you still look gorgeous. ;) I'll let you sleep. I'll text you in the morning. " 

You threw your head in your pillow screaming happily to yourself, then you laughed thinking 'wow I am being such a girl right now.' you replied to Ian telling him thank you and goodnight. After your message sent you placed your phone back on your nightstand, turning your attention to your tv realizing it was Jared's show Supernatural playing. You laughed seeing your brother act, knowing how he was acting behind the camera, probably goofing off, but then as you watched Jensen act with Jared, you wondered how it would be to finally meet Jensen in person tomorrow.  

You fell asleep after watching a few episodes of Supernatural; when your alarm went off at 7:00 the next morning you realized you left the tv on. You decided to leave it on the channel wondering if you'd catch part of an episode before you had to leave; sadly the show wasn't on, so you turned the news on and got dressed. You decided on your favorite white shorts and green button up shirt for the final ride home. 

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now