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Warning: Lots of Fluff

When you woke up in the morning you stretched your arms reaching above your head, and then you realized your leg was braced and had an ice pack draped over it. You smile knowing Jensen had wrapped you up in a blanket and gotten a new ice pack for your leg, but a part of you was sad he wasn't laying down next to you anymore. You finally felt relieved and happy; finally feeling like something was going right again, but then a part of you felt worried something bad was waiting for you. 

You reached for your phone on your nightstand and texted Sadie, asking what she was up to today, and how she was doing. You felt bad because you hadn't really talked to her since everything happened; so you figured some girl time was needed later today. You wanted to spend as much time with Jensen as you could, but he had to go into work later this morning, so you figured this would be the best time to meet up with Sadie. 

You started moving the ice pack off your leg, and instantly felt the pain kick in. You flinched as you pushed yourself to sit up right in bed. You leaned over grabbing Jensen's shirt off the floor and began to get out of bed but then Jensen came into the room without his shirt and his shorts right on his hip line, with two plates of food in his hands. You smiled then laughed as you said

"So I get two treats this morning? Seeing that hot body, and food?" Jensen smirked blushing slightly but then laughed as he set the plates on the table and walked over to you saying

"I figured we could have some breakfast together before I have to head onto set." You smiled pointing at Jensen to lean down so you could give him a kiss. He had one hand on the bed supporting himself and the other wrapped around your neck as he pulled you in for a strong kiss. You separated and smiled at Jensen as you leaned back into bed saying

"I love you Jensen Ackles." Jensen squat down in front of you, grabbing your hand as he said

"Y/n you scared the shit out of me these past few days." You interrupted him, worried you would be starting another fight you said 

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again." Jensen lightly smiled then chuckled as he continued

"Good. But what I was going to say was...worrying about you, realizing I could have lost you, made me see how much I need you in my life. Y/n I know how much you care about me, and JJ and it makes me incredibly happy to see how much she loves you and wants to be around you. I don't know what I would've done if you were taken from me." You felt your tears begin to build up again, seeing how much pain you had caused him, but you were happy he was opening up and talking to you about it, rather than shutting you out again. But you swallowed your words as he continued
"Y/n I love you, and I don't want to go a day without you in my life." You were completely surprised when Jensen pulled out a small box from his pocket and held the perfect ring to you as he asked
"Y/n Padalecki, will you do me the honor and marry me?" You laughed as you let the tears go, but out of happiness now as you shook your head yes and then said "Of course!" as you waited for Jensen to lean forward again so you could kiss him again. This kiss was longer and stronger, and for this moment, you had never been happier. After Jensen stepped back standing up, you looked down at the ring, admiring the perfect cut and fit and then looked back at Jensen as you stuck your hands out or him to help you stand up you said 

 After Jensen stepped back standing up, you looked down at the ring, admiring the perfect cut and fit and then looked back at Jensen as you stuck your hands out or him to help you stand up you said 

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