Scavenger part 2

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Warning: Fluff, fluffy, McFluff and some smutt

When you and Jensen were done at the diner you received a note from the waitress telling you where you guys were to go next. You laughed when she handed you the card; a part of you knew this was kind of cheesy, but you silently enjoyed every moment of this. You've never had anyone do something for you like this, and now you were excited you were able to enjoy it with Jensen. You took the card from the waitress and then started walking outside but once you climbed back into the truck Jensen laughed as he pause before starting the truck and asked you

"So what does this thing say we do next?" You raised an eyebrow at Jensen, laughing at his curiosity as well and then opened the car replying

"Well it looks like we go back home and there should be something on the kitchen counter for us with further instructions." Jensen chuckled out loud and before he said anything he started the truck, nodding his head and backing out the he scoffed

"Alright. Well let's get this show on the road." You fully laughed hearing him say this, then you hit his shoulder playfully as you sassed back

"Oh come on, I know you are as excited for this as I am." Jensen smiled looking at you then he looked down at the card in your lap then he shook his head replying

"No, I'm happy and excited to spend the day with you, but I'm worried with what Misha has planned with all of this. I just know something embarrassing is waiting around the corner." You fully laughed then moved over so you could lean your head on Jensen's shoulder as you grabbed his hand, then replied

"It'll be fun either way, and we will face it together." You leaned up kissing his cheek, which caused another laugh from Jensen as he said

"Ok, but I'm trusting your judgement." Jensen kissed the top of your head and then you guys drove back to his place.

The second Jensen had the car parked you opened the passenger door running to the front door to unlock it. Jensen laughed at you but then was quick to join you as you guys walked into the kitchen to find a giant basket on the counter. You both laughed looking at each other and then Jensen put his hands up defensively saying

"Nope. I'm not opening that. That's all yours babe." You shook your head at Jensen laughing as you looked at him sassing

"Wow. A basket scares you?" Jensen pierced his lips raising an eyebrow giving you a funny glare as he gestured for you to go forward and open the basket. You laughed at his cowardliness and then as you opened the basket you jokingly jumped acting as if something popped out at you, causing Jensen to jump too but then you burst out laughing saying

"There's nothing in here scaredy pants." Jensen took a breath then laughed as he came behind you squeezing you in a hug, then leaning over your shoulder to look into the basket and then he laughed replying

"Hey, if you knew half the crap we pulled on each other, you'd be weary too. But this just looks like a cute little meal. What does the card say?" You laughed shaking your head at Jensen then leaned back into his chest as you kissed reached up kissing his cheek then opened the card reading "Take some time, go upstairs and change into your swimsuits, or don't but this meal is for a place set for you at your favorite beach." You looked up at Jensen and he just shook his head laughing then turned putting his arm out straight, directing you to head upstairs first. You smiled then laughed as you ran upstairs to your room, pulling one of your favorite swimsuits from Jensen's dresser.

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