I am Holly McFarland

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Things were starting to feel normal for you after you finally developed a routine; you would wake up and go work out and then you'd meet Sadie for breakfast before you went on set to play Holly McFarland; the new vampire enemy, to Ian's character, Damon Salvatore. You have been on set for a few months now and you just started walking around noticing fans were recognizing you. It was something totally different for you, but you were silently happy that people would run up to you wanting to take photos or get your signature. 

You were saying goodbye to Sadie after breakfast, getting ready to head to work when a fan came running up to you asking for a photo. You laughed feeling the excitement come from her and then asked how she wanted to pose, and she decided on having you look at her with an evil glare and her getting ready to fight you. Then she took another where you two were smiling next to each other. The fan smiled thanking you for the pictures and then continued on her way. You felt proud that you were able to make that fan happy but then you looked up and saw Jensen walking with Jared towards there truck, and you immediately felt sadness knowing he was the one person who hasn't been happy to see you lately. 

You watched as the boys talked outside for a second, then you said 'screw it' in your head and walked over saying hi. When you approached them Jared had his back to you and Jensen was facing you. When you said hi Jared turned around giving you a hug asking

"What are you doing here? I thought you had work today?" You smiled taking a step back standing next to Jared as you looked at Jensen and then back to Jared and replied

"I do. I'm actually on my way but a fan stopped me, then I saw you guys so I wanted to say hi." You then turned your attention to Jensen who seemed to be fidgeting with his phone. Jensen was looking anywhere but at you when you asked

"Hey what time do you get done today? We should meet up for a drink." Jensen then looked at you but before he could respond Jared said 

"Hey what about me?" Jared then pulled you into a hug next to him as he continued "I haven't seen my little sis in what seems like forever." You laughed looking to Jared and pushed him away as you replied

"Well I was thinking maybe I can stay over this weekend and we can do something fun with the kids?" Jared nodded with a big smile forming as he said 

"Sounds great! Jay you can come over with JJ if you want too." Jared was then pulled towards the car by their body guard Cliff asking him something, so you stepped forward looking back at Jensen as you said 

"Jensen I'm serious about meeting up, I really want to talk with you." Jensen's expression was cold and hard to read what he was thinking but he hardly made eye contact with you so you knew things weren't good. Ever since the ceremony with Ian, Jensen hasn't really been responding to your texts or calls and you really haven't hung out. So you took another step forward putting a hand on Jensen's shoulder, forcing him to look at you as you said 

"Jay, I really want things to be ok with us, and I want to talk. Please." Jensen nodded looking back at you then took a deep breath and replied

"Yeah, a few drinks sounds good. But how about you come to my place, I don't really want to be running around in public tonight." You nodded your head so fast as you replied

"Deal. That sounds great." Jensen then turned and got into the car with Jared. Jared rolled down the window waving as he yelled

"See ya later Gummy!" You lightly laughed as you waved goodbye then let a breath out you didn't realize you were holding. You smiled finally happy that you would be able to talk to Jensen, in hopes that things will get better. 

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