Pure Bliss

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Warning: Smutt/Fluff

The next morning you woke up with the sun shinning through the curtains, lightly hitting your face. You turned to face Jensen and saw that he was still asleep. You smiled to yourself, proud of wearing him out last night, but you didn't want the fun to end. You rolled over climbing on top of Jensen, leaning forward and lightly pressing kisses to his temple, then his cheek then the side of his neck. You laughed as you felt Jensen stir and then heard him softly growl as he pulled his hands up tracing the side of your body. Jensen opened his eyes and smiled back at you as you said

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Jensen chuckled then looked down at you wearing his t-shirt and replied

"I'm not the beautiful one here." He paused for a second and leaned forward giving you a kiss then continued "I love when you wear my shirts, they look better on you." You smiled slightly blushing then a devilish grin came across your face as leaned next to his ear and whispered 

"I think they look even better, off." You kissed the side of Jensen's face then leaned back putting your hands up in the air gesturing for him to pull your shirt off. Jensen licked his lips in anticipation and then laughed as he leaned forward pulling his shirt over your head. You were only wearing your underwear now. As your breast sprang free of the shirt Jensen smiled sitting up kissing your collar bone and then your chest. Before you knew it, Jensen was pushing you to the side so he was on top. When your back hit the mattress Jensen was straddling you and without a word spoken he flung his shirt off and leaned in giving you a passionate kiss. You two started grinding against each other, only your underwear separating you from that blissful feeling. You started tugging at Jensen's underwear hoping to get it off, but he pulled back saying

"Patience beautiful." Then he kissed your neck, finding your sweat spot, surely leaving a mark. One of your hands went on his shoulders and one in his hair enjoying this sensation, but then Jensen pulled your underwear off sliding his fingers in, and immediately finding the right spot. Jensen started moving his fingers causing more friction and you could feel the knot in your stomach start to build. You were softly moaning and enjoyed this feeling, but you knew you needed more so you pleaded to Jensen

"Jensen please, I need you!" Jensen laughed knowing his torture was working, but then he left a trail of kisses down your body, from your neck; cupping one breast and sucking on the other as he moved his hand faster inside you. Jensen switched to your other breast just as he slid another finger in, stretching you out further. You gasped at the feeling moaning as he continued. Jensen stopped sucking your chest just as he placed soft kisses on your stomach making a trail down to your lady bits. Jensen pushed your legs apart further, looking at you for permission and as you took a deep breath nodding for Jensen to continue you felt him dive right in. Jensen was licking the juices you had spilled and you couldn't help but let out a big moan at the sensation he was giving you. You started squirming then pleaded once more to Jensen 

"Babe please, I'm going to come, I need to feel you inside me now!" Jensen laughed but slide his boxers off as he crawled up a little bit to kiss you strongly once more. Jensen locked eyes with you, without giving you a warning this time, he slid right into you. Your breath hitched for a second and then Jensen's lips were on yours. Jensen picked up the pace coming in and out of you and then matching your pace as the two of you thrust your hips; enjoying this friction. In a matter of seconds you came all over Jensen. You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding and then Jensen stopped for a second, letting you catch your breath, before he started kissing you again. You laughed but then pushed Jensen out of you and over to his back as you climbed on top of him saying 

"Your turn" You started rolling your hips on him and then as Jensen reached for you to place you on top of him so he could slide back in, you took his hand shaking your head as you said

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