Day by Day

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When you woke up the next morning you yawned stretching your arms above your head. As you turned you felt the warmth from Jensen's arm on your waist and how close his body was next to you. You paused for a second looking at him resting peacefully; feeling the smile spread across your face you bent forward placing a soft kiss on his lips then slid out of bed. As you moved your weight shifted the bed causing Jensen to stir and wake. He chuckled to himself then smiled at you saying

"Good Morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" You smiled taking his shirt from the floor and sliding it over your head before you climbed back on the bed leaning over Jensen giving him another kiss as you replied

"Like a baby." You then sat on the bed looking at Jensen as you continued "Thank you for coming over last night but I need to go check on Sadie, and tell her you're here, before you go out. I want to make sure she's ok with it, otherwise I might just have to meet you on set." Jensen sighed then smiled looking back at you as he nodding replying

"No, I totally get it. But I messaged Sadie last night after you called me, asking if she'd be ok with me coming over and she said she'd prefer to have a guy she trusted at the house." Jensen sat up walking over to his shorts on the floor and pulling them on before he turned back to you saying

"So I'm thinking, you go wake her up or lay in bed with her, until I get breakfast made?" You smiled walking up to Jensen pulling him close to you as you put your hands on his bare chest you reached up pulling him in for a strong kiss as you said

"You are perfect. I love you, you know that." Jensen kissed you back then had a smirk on his face as he rested his hands on the lower part of your back he said 

"Yeah, I kinda like you too." You both laughed then Jensen kissed you one more time before he grabbed a new shirt and walked out towards the kitchen. 

You grabbed a pair of shorts and made your way towards Sadie's room. After she had fallen asleep on the couch last night and was snoring pretty loud, you assumed it was ok for Jensen to pick her up and bring her to her bed. So as you walked into her room you knew she would still be sound asleep. When you opened the door you laughed as you saw the room was a mess with clothes scattered and Sadie sprawled in her bed still snoring. You smiled looking at your friend but then felt yourself overcome with sadness as you thought of what she told you yesterday. You shook the feelings away and climbed in the side of the bed as you hugged your friend. You waited a few minutes just letting her relax and allowing yourself to control your emotions and then you started whispering for Sadie to wake up. It took a bit for Sadie to begin to stir but after you started tickling her she immediately started fighting back, knowing it was you, she knew where you were ticklish too and she reached over beginning the play fight between the two of you. After almost feeling like you were going to pass out from not breathing you jumped off the bed holding up your hands saying

"OK! I surrender! You win." Sadie laughed sitting up in her bed then looked over at the clock seeing that it was 8 in the morning. Sadie grunted then said 

"Ugh, you better have a good reason for waking me up so early." You smiled then sat on the edge of the bed facing Sadie as you shyly replied 

"Well...Jensen is making us breakfast...I hope you're ok with him being here. If not, honestly tell me and then I can have him meet me on set in a little bit." Sadie smiled then shook her head as she got out of bed she made a smug face as she said

"Firstly, I will never turn down free breakfast. Secondly, I told Jensen last night that I was ok with him being here; I actually want a nice guy, I trust around the house. Besides, I know you are madly in love right now, so it'll be nice to have the both of you over for as long as I can have you." You shyly smiled remembering that you told her you were going to move out last night, but then you couldn't help but feel like you couldn't leave your friend at a time like this. Sadie smiled knowing you were thinking of what she told you and her situation but she put her arm over your shoulder and pushed you out of her room as she said 

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