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When you left work and got home, you debated for a few minutes whether or not you wanted to meet this mystery man at the bar but when you looked around your apartment seeing everything packed up you knew if you didn't you'd be sitting at home on y...

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When you left work and got home, you debated for a few minutes whether or not you wanted to meet this mystery man at the bar but when you looked around your apartment seeing everything packed up you knew if you didn't you'd be sitting at home on your phone bored for the rest of the night. So you got up and found a dress out of your bag hanging in the closet and quickly got dressed and put your makeup on. (Outfit above). 

You got to the bar and couldn't find the guy anywhere so you walked up to the bar asking for Y/F drink then pulled out your phone to text Sadie. 

"Sadie I don't know what I'm doing here. I'm at a bar to meet this guy that came into work today." As soon as you sent the message Sadie responded

"I need details! and a picture!! Who is he? What does he look like? How old is he? What's his name? Y/N what if he is a creeper! I need details so I can go Taken on his ass...just in case." You laughed to yourself as you got your drink, you took a sip then shook your head replying

"Ok, he might be a creeper but it would be creepy of me to take a picture, so you're not getting one. Also he is hot! He has short black hair, beautiful blue eyes, and probably could bench press me. Not to mention he's taller than me." You looked up again to see if you could find the mystery man anywhere but no luck so you looked back at your phone as Sadie replied

"Moose height or shorter? Also what are you wearing!? Are you with him right now? I can facetime and you can just flip the camera and act natural." 

You found yourself laughing out loud at Sadie's comment so you covered your mouth to try to not make a scene. You sent her a picture of your outfit and responded with "No" then took another sip of your drink. Then someone came behind you putting their hand on your lower back; you turned around excited, thinking it was the mystery man but when you looked it was a new guy. 

This guy was obviously drunk. He looked at you, then down your cleavage and as he leaned into you his hand went lower, grabbing your butt as he said

"What's a hot babe like you doing here?" You grabbed his hand immediately twisting him so that he was now in an arm bar as you pushed him up to the bar. He screamed out saying that hurts his arm when you replied

"I'm waiting for someone. But if you ever touch me again, I promise more than your arm will hurt." You let go of him, grabbing your drink and beginning to walk away when the man made the comment

"Geesh you're a bitch, I just wanted to have some fun." Before you could respond your mystery man from work appeared and stepped between you and the drunk saying

"Well unless you want to have some fun with my fist in your face, I expect you to leave." The man growled and then huffed as he wobbled out of the bar. Your mystery man turned around to face you with a concern facial expression as he asked

"Are you alright? I'm sorry I didn't get over here sooner. Although I have to admit, it looked like you had everything under control." As he said the last part he had a smirk on his face looking at you. You felt your cheeks blush a little then you looked away from him and in the direction of the door then replied

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm used to dealing with jerks." The man smiled lighter then said

"You shouldn't have to be..." You both smiled at each other then he looked at your drink almost empty asking "Would you like another drink? I believe I owe you a few." You tilted your head smiling thinking how nice and cute he was, then nodded as you gave him the name of you favorite drink. 

You were sitting in the corner of the room at a table, when he came back with two drinks as he sat down next to you he said

"My name's Ian...I should have introduced myself earlier, but there didn't seem to be a right time." You lightly laughed then stuck your hand out to him saying "Y/N" 

You two talked for hours getting to know each other and before you knew it, you found out he had family in Texas too, he had a younger sister he adored, he worked at some big company as a sales man and he was the same age as you. He went on saying that he had a rough day because he lost a big sale and his boss was now breathing down his back watching his every move, but once you told him how bad work was he joked saying "Yup. You win. You had a shittier day." You both laughed then he got you another drink. You couldn't help but feel smitten for this guy, although you had just met him, you felt like he was someone you connected with. 

You had forgotten that you were texting Sadie until you felt your phone vibrate in your purse for what seemed like the 10th time in a row. You took your phone out looking at the notifications seeing you had some text from Sadie, which all seemed normal, at least normal with her. But then you saw the ones from Jared. Jared had sent a text saying

"Y/n Sadie told me you're on a date with some weird dude and not responding to her. Please text me when you get the chance so I know you're ok." That was the first message and that was 2 hours ago. Now you had a lot of messages from Jared the last one reading "Call me!". Your eyes went wide for a second then you looked back at Ian realizing it was now past midnight you said

"Look, I've had a great time but I really should get going." Ian smiled nodding as he said

"Yeah it's getting late." You both stood up putting your jackets on then Ian asked "So I was wondering if you'd like to get some coffee tomorrow morning?" You smiled at the gestured then frowned knowing you were planning on leaving tomorrow morning. You grabbed your purse from your chair as you replied

"Ian, I'm moving to Texas tomorrow. I mean I had a great time tonight, I just don't know if it's smart to start something new then leave. It wouldn't be fair to you or me." Ian walked around the table taking a step closer to you; he grabbed your hand holding it beside him as he said

"Sometimes it's good to take a chance. I'm willing to, if you are?" You looked at your hand in his, then up to him as you exhaled. You then opened the door stepping outside, not realizing you were still holding hands until you were standing still again, then you smiled saying

"There's this cute cafe up the street called "Karen's Cafe" meet me there at 8:30 tomorrow." 

Ian smiled then leaned forward kissing you on the cheek as he replied

"Sounds great. Thank you for making my day turn from the worst to the best Y/n." After he asked if you needed a ride and you told him no, saying you had to talk to some people. He winked at you then turned walking in the opposite direction. 

You smiled biting your bottom lip thinking how cute Ian was and how perfect the rest of that night was, then you remembered your text from Jared and you took a deep breath pulling out your phone as you began to call him. 

Author- So what do you think of Ian? What do you think their story will be? Do you think Sadie will approve? What do you think Jared is going to say? 
And yes that was a reference to One Tree Hill. 

Let me know what you think so far! Thank you for reading!!! :) 

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