All Emotions

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Warning Smutt/Fluff (more so fluff)

You were filming your final scene for the day; which funny enough, was the first time you were meeting Cas. On your script you were going to meet Cas at a diner by yourself, and then over time you develop a friendship and Cas introduces you to the brothers. 

(Reading as if you are acting for the show. Italics will be the 'real' you) 

You walked up to the counter grabbing some eggs and a pot of coffee for the customers and as you turned around you saw a strange man walk in with a trench coat on. When you made eye contact with him, your eyes went wide. You quickly turned around, putting the food back on the counter and walked outside as casually, but as fast as you could. When you got outside you looked behind you and exhaled when you didn't see the man following you. You pulled out your phone beginning to text your boss to tell him you were taking your break, but then the man in the trench coat appeared right in front of you. You quickly pulled your special knife out of the back of your pocket saying

"What do you want?" You squinted at Misha, trying to give him an angry/intimidating look and just as you did Misha burst out laughing saying

"I'm sorry, I can't. She has such a funny, angry expression."  You tilted your head back laughing as you watched Misha try to mock you but only making a weird face himself. You stepped forward looking at Bobby and then back to Misha as you sassed

"Ok I was not making that weird of a face." Bobby laughed then replied

"Y/n you're doing great. Just ignore him and continue." You nodded shaking your head as you walked back to your spot. You smiled at Misha laughing with how ridiculous he would act, but then you fell right back into character. 

You were holding your knife up to defend yourself as the man in the trench coat said 

"You're not human. You're an angel, but not fully an angel. What are you?" You took a step back ignoring the question as you tried to think of ways to get out of this situation. You knew it'd be hard to outrun an angel but you've gotten out of bad situations before. But this angel seemed different, so you thought of a different approach to your escape. You looked at the man with the trench coat as you said 

"Buy me some pie, and we can talk." 

Bobby then called cut, and told everyone they were wrapping it up for the day. You smiled walking over to Misha giving him a hug as you said

"I'm going to love this." Misha smiled hugging you back as he replied

"I'm just happy not all you Padalecki's are the same." You both laughed and then you turned seeing Jared and Jensen join you guys. Jensen wasn't as tense as he was before, he seemed to calm down a little bit but he still seemed a little off to you. When Jensen came by you, you walked over giving him a light kiss as you said

"That was fun. I think this will be a great time for all of us." Jensen looked down at you smiling as he replied

"Yeah, you did a great job today. I was really impressed, and so was everyone else." You hugged Jensen then looked at your brother and Misha asking 

"When are you guys filming tomorrow?" Jared had to film early that morning with Misha, but to your surprise Jensen didn't have to come in till an hour and a half later. So you two would have the morning to sleep in a little. You nodded hearing everyones schedule tomorrow, then said your goodbyes as you said goodnight and got ready to head back to Jensen's place. Jensen was walking ahead, but after you said goodnight to a new friend, Jensen stopped, waiting for you to catch up with him. When you ran up to him, you linked your fingers in his, pulling him close to you as you said

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now