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The next few weeks seemed to blur by pretty fast for you. You made it through your big scenes with Ian and Paul; but sometimes you came home from work upset because Ian was still mad at you and it really bothered you that he created a hostile environment at work, but when you got home, Jensen made it better. You and Jensen had gone on a few dates already but haven't made anything official, or really talked about what your relationship was, but you didn't care because anytime you got to spend with him, you were always happy and you wanted to keep it that way. 

After your big fight scene on Vampire Diaries you had a few more plot twists with your character but as things started getting worse on set, you talked to your director about leaving; being killed off. You knew it would suck to not have a job, but you really just weren't enjoying it anymore. Things were bad with Ian and Paul was stuck in the middle. You thought to yourself, that you'd been there for a few months now but it was time for you to leave and try to find something else. When you spoke to the director he was sad, but understood your decision and talked with the writers and they came up with a great surprise to create the end of your character. 

You were now filming your final scene on set and you were surprised that a part of you was sad to leave. On the other hand you knew that you would be happy to leave and let things cool down between you and Ian, after some space away. What you weren't expecting was Ian to come up to you after shooting that day. You had just finished and said goodbye to the director and a few of the friends you had made but as you were walking to your trailer Ian came running up behind you yelling

"Y/n can we talk, it'll just be a second." You turned facing him in complete surprise but then took a deep breath and nodded your head as you replied

"Yeah, what did you need Ian?" Ian seemed fidgety but then he put his hands in his jean pockets and looked at the ground then back at you as he said

"Look, I didn't mean to make things awkward or tense for you here. I was hurt, I really liked you and I felt like you had a better connection with Jensen so I was intimidated. And then I talked to your friend Sadie and I just lost it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause your more trouble if I did on set, but I'm hoping in some time we can at least be friends?" You didn't know what to say let alone what to think. You had so many questions but the main thing that bothered you was what had Sadie said to him? Your mouth was slightly open shocked with what he had said but then you shook your head pulling yourself back to the current situation as you tightly smiled replying

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'm sorry for how things turned out but I should get going. I'll see ya around Ian." Ian nodded and then waved goodbye as he turned and went back to set where Paul was talking to some other cast. Once you were in your trailer you pulled out your phone texting Sadie asking to meet up for dinner. Naturally Sadie responded really fast and agreed to meet at your favorite sandwich shop. 

You beat Sadie to the shop and decided to place your order and then picked a booth for you and Sadie. When you sat down you saw Sadie walk in and walk over to you. She set her jacket and purse on the other side of the booth then told you she was going to order then she'd be right back. You were happy to see your friend and be getting dinner with her, but you needed to know what she said to Ian, so you knew this was going to be a tense dinner. You were just hoping that it didn't end up with both of you fighting. Before you knew it Sadie was back with her food and she grabbed yours for you and then as she sat down she said

"Well who I do I owe the pleasure for having dinner with you today?" You squinted your eyes a little but then lightly chuckled replying

"Sadie you see me everyday, but yeah I do have something I want to ask you." Sadie was taking a big bite of her sandwich then looked up at you gesturing for you to continue. You took a breath then one quick sip of your drink before you said

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