Goodbye Chicago

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After staying on the phone for hours with Sadie last night talking about Ian and the date; waking up early this morning was almost impossible. It was finally Friday and although a part of you was really sad leaving Chicago, you were anxious to see your family and first niece. 

You rolled over turning your alarm off, seeing it was 6:30am you sighed to yourself. You wanted to wake up early so you could shower after packing up your final things but you really hated waking up early. By the time you were done packing all your things into your Uhaul truck it was 7:45. Then you got out of the shower and started to decide what you were going to wear, with what clothes you hadn't packed yet. You knew you were meeting Ian for coffee and wanted to look cute but you also knew you wanted to be comfortable your first day driving to Texas, so you settled for a cute shirt and comfy overalls.

By the time you were ready, you took a final walk around your apartment then said goodbye as you hopped into your truck and headed to Karen's cafe to meet Ian. The whole way over you kept wondering if he even remembered you, or if he'd show up for coffee, but after you parked and walked into the cafe you noticed Ian was sitting at a table with a tablet out in front of him. 

When you walked in he smiled standing up closing his tablet and walked over to you giving you a hug then asking

"Good morning. What would you like to drink?" You smiled pulling away from his intoxicating smell. You could've stayed close to him for hours but caught yourself day dreaming, then replied

"I'll have a y/f drink please and thank you." Ian smiled turning back to the barista then looking at you gesturing towards his table saying

"Go ahead and sit down, I'll be there in a second." 

You were so giddy, smiling and laughing at yourself as you hung your flannel over the back of the chair then taking a seat. A moment passed then Ian joined you placing your drink in front of you as he asked

"So, when do you head to Texas?" He took a sip of his own drink waiting for a response as you tried to read his facial expression you looked down at your drink and replied

"I'm actually heading down after we are done here. I already packed up my truck and handed in my key to my apartment. So I'm all settled." Ian smiled lightly then shook his head saying

"Look I don't mean to be blunt or sound creepy, but I just want to be straight with you. I like you, you seem like a sweet girl, your gorgeous and I'd love to see where this could go. I know distance is really hard and not usually preferred but I have family in Texas too, and I'll be down there in a week staying for a couple of weeks, so we can have an actual date if that works for you? If not, then it's been my pleasure of even meeting the beautiful Y/n and having great conversations." Right after he said this you found yourself squeezing your hand in your lap with excitement then took another sip of your drink and replied

"I guess that'll depend on how well the 'actual date goes'" You wink at Ian and a wide smile crosses his face then you swear you saw him blush. After that the two of you talked for an hour you decided you needed to start driving before it got too late. You stood up saying goodbye to Ian and as you tied your flannel around your waist pulling your purse over your head, Ian stepped around the table and pulled you in for a tight hug. A second passed and when he pulled away you thought he'd let go and that would be it until you saw each other next but before you knew it Ian's lips were on yours. He kissed you softly but firm and then your heart dropped as you felt yourself falling even more for this mystery guy. When he stepped back he said

"Don't forget me. I'll let you know the second I am in Texas and we can meet up for our date." You blushed grabbing the strap of your purse then took a step back beginning to walk away as you said

"I'll be looking forward to it." You smirked at him then turned and walked out of the cafe biting your lip in excitement for the future. As you walked to your truck you pulled out your phone immediately calling Sadie to tell her what had just happened. The phone rang once and then before Sadie could say anything you said

"He's better than Matt Cohen. He's hot, he's a nice guy, and damn he's a good kisser." Sadie squealed on the other side of the line then replied

"Ok first, no one is better than Matt. They can be as attractive on the scale, but they are not better. Secondly when did you kiss him!! And Why? Did he kiss you, or did you kiss him? Was it a goodbye, thank you for a great night/morning kiss or was it something more?" You laughed at your friend as you climbed into your truck hooking your phone up to your dash then said

"Alright calm down. I'm sorry for insulting your Matt. Ian and I are going to try to make this work. he has family in Texas and is coming down next week for a few weeks, so we are going to go on an official date then and see how things go from there. I know it sounds crazy and partially stupid but hey, what am I losing from doing this? He might come down to Texas a lot, or maybe I can plan a trip back and meet him for some romantic get away sometimes? I'm willing to give it a shot and so is he, so we will see." Sadie was quiet for a second making noises on her phone, which freaked you out but then she replied

"Alright. The only way I am ok with this, is if I get to meet him right away!" You laughed knowing Sadie was fully serious you replied

"Deal. But no going crazy on him. Now I gotta get driving. I'll text you at stops. Love you." Sadie scoffed to herself then said

"Fine. Yeah when you get here tomorrow just come to my place, I have your room cleared out and already told Jared and Jensen to come over to help unload and they agreed." You were shocked for a second then replied

"So Jared is kicking me out before I even get there? Or was this your way of just making me move in with you so you wouldn't be scared being home alone?" Sadie laughed a little nervous, but then quickly replied

"More so the second option, but hey! It'll be fun living together! And you will have more space for all your stuff. Also there is no backing out of it now, because I got the guys to agree and told them we'd make them dinner." 

"Ahh, I finally get to meet the infamous Jensen...and I'll be making him carry all my stuff in. That'll be great." You said the last part sarcastic and Sadie immediately caught on replying

"Hey, he's a nice guy. I think you two will hit it off. Alright, get busy driving. Love you jerk." You were held at a red light replying to Sadie 

"Love you too, bitch. Talk soon." Then you switched your phone to maps and began your long drive to your new home.

Author- This one is a little longer, sorry. Let me know what you think so far! 
Thank you for reading!! :) 

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