So many questions

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Misha parked the car and your heart began to beat faster every second as you watched Jensen step away from his truck and walk to your side of the car. Misha had your door open already, and was helping you step out when Jensen walked over seeing your arm and the crutch you were using for your leg. Jensen's mouth fell open for a second in shock, then he shook his head biting his lip as he looked at Misha asking

"Misha can you give us a second." Misha nodded, patting Jensen's shoulder as he walked into his house, leaving you and Jensen alone in the parking lot. Your heart began to race, knowing Jensen was furious, and honestly he had every right to be, but you didn't want to get him involved with this. You began to apologize but Jensen stepped back snarling

"Why?... Why didn't you return my calls? Why'd you turn off your phone?" You tilted your head beginning to reply but Jensen continued with every word laced with his anger

"Do you realize how worried I was? I thought something seriously bad had happened, and then I find out it did! But I don't find out from you! The only one to contact me tonight, was Misha! And even then, that was to tell me to come to his house, because he had you...then when you arrive, you're in a fucking cast!! Y/n What happened? And why didn't you come to me?" Tears were falling down your cheeks as the guilt finally overcame you but then you stepped forward taking a breath as you grabbed Jensen's arm saying

"I did contact you! I told you I loved you and that I was ok, that I'd call you. And I was going to, but I had to do something first." Jensen squinted shaking his head as he turned around looking up at the sky running his hands over the back of his head and through his hair then yelling

"You sent me a fucking vague text, saying 'I love you, i'm ok, bye.' What could you possibly have to do that would be more important than calling me to tell me you weren't hurt!!? Or dead?" Jensen let his arms fall back to his side as he looked back at you when he continued "I'm your boyfriend, and I was the last one to know you were in the hospital! And then when I go there, you're not there and you're with Misha!!" Jensen gestured towards Misha's house as he said this and then he turned to face you. Now you were annoyed, it seemed like Jensen was mad at you and Misha, or that you were with Misha alone, more than the fact that you didn't call him. You shook your head asking

"Stop yelling! Why does it matter that I'm with Misha? At least I told someone! I was going to tell you but..." Jensen cut you off again stepping closer as he firmly argued

"Y/n the point is, you got hurt, and didn't call me. You called Misha... I guess I really shouldn't be surprised, since you've been spending more time with him these days." Your mouth fell open then you moved back leaning against the car asking

"Are you mad that I didn't call you, or are you just jealous that I went to Misha?" Jensen turned away clenching his fists in the air in front of him as he exhaled then he turned back to you, more calmly saying

"How do you not see the problem in that question?... Y/n I can't deal with you right now." Jensen then stepped away walking back to his truck as he finished "Don't come back to my place tonight." Jensen didn't say anything more as he pulled out of the driveway and drove home. Your were in complete shock and then you turned around bursting out in tears. You leaned over feeling guilty for not calling Jensen, but you knew he would've been mad either way, but now you didn't know where you two stood; that scared you the most. You worried thinking that he broke up with you, but you shook your head whipping your tears on your sleeve then took one last big breath before you gimped towards the door and walked inside.

When you got to the door and started opening it, Misha quickly walked over helping you into the house; when he noticed your freshly tear stained face his expression softened and he began to ask you something but you held a hand up to him saying

"I don't want to talk about it, what we need to figure out right now, is where Sadie and the kids are." You pulled the paper Jack stole and had in his car, out of your back pocket and put it on the table looking at Misha as you said

"Jack knew Sadie and I lived together and then after he attacked her, he knew she would come to me. What he didn't know was if I was over Jared's or Jensen's. I know Jack is still at the hospital in custody, but I don't know if he has helpers and if they are going to attack Sadie again. If he does, and they are, Sadie is in trouble." Misha didn't know how to process what you were saying so he didn't say anything as he read the paper with your addresses circled and then he looked at you saying
"Ok. Call Sadie, and tell her to come here. I'll try to meet them at the house to help pack up, but then I'm going to Jensen's to tell him too. I don't want him to have JJ there if someone is looking for you or Sadie." You covered your mouth feeling like a jerk forgetting about JJ being with Jensen; you felt responsible for this somehow. If Jack had partners, you were terrified they were going to hurt the people you love the most and now you were worried you couldn't do anything about it. You looked at Misha nodding as you said

"I'll call Sadie, and tell her, and Jensen if I can get a hold of him." Misha walked over kissing the top of your head then said

"Everyone will be fine. I promise, we won't let anything happen to them, we're family. For now, you need to sit down and rest." You didn't realize you were crying again until Misha whipped your face and then guided you to the couch. Misha went into the kitchen grabbing you some water and then left to go grab your family. You sat on the couch for a second, just crying and generally feeling exhausted over the past 24hours, but then you knew you needed to get down to business and call your family to make sure everyone was ok.

When you called Sadie she picked up immediately. Gen told her you and Jared were at the hospital before she left, but Gen didn't know what was wrong or why you were there, so neither did Sadie. When she picked up the phone she asked you a billion questions so fast, you almost thought you broke the phone and noises were just coming out. But once you were able to calm Sadie down, and tell her that you were ok, you told her to come to Misha's house and she was in the car with your nephews before you hung up the phone. Right after that you called Misha telling him Sadie was on her way, so he turned his route and headed straight to Jensens.

You knew there was a good chance Jensen wouldn't pick up his phone when you called him, especially after him just saying he didn't want anything to do with you, but now you were the one terrified and you weren't going to sit around and let the man you love get hurt, or his family. But before you could call Jensen you saw your phone lit up with his contact photo of the two of you at the beach. You smiled at the picture, relieved for a second, thinking maybe he did want to talk to you, but then getting back on track, knowing you had to tell him to get out of the house. After you said hello and tried talking to Jensen you didn't get a response. You held your phone to your ear hearing some mumbling and distant talking but then you heard loud crashes on the other line and your heart dropped. You didn't know if Jensen meant to call you, but by the sounds of it, someone was there in the house with him.

You dropped your phone quickly gimping back to the front door reaching for the keys to Vikki's car, just as Vikki came out of her bedroom running over to you grabbing the keys as she said

"Y/n I love you, but you can't drive. What is going on? Misha just texted me telling me to keep you company, that you might need someone to talk to." You were hysterically crying, but trying to hold it together as you tried to think of how to get the keys from Vikki but then you just gave in pleading

"Vikki, please. We need to go to Jensen's right now!!" Vikki squinted her eyes with concern but then she just nodded and walked with you out to her car. By the time Vikki started the engine, you were in the car trying to call Jensen again but he wasn't picking up.

Author- Stopping here, fun cliff hanger. ;) Hope you're enjoying it! As always thanks for reading, I love you all!

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