Sweet Disaster

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You looked at Misha after you saw Jensen walk away from the edge; you didn't know what he was thinking but now you were concerned. Misha turned looking to the balcony after he realized your attention was there but when he didn't see anyone there he asked 

"Hey, what's up? Was someone admiring our dance moves?" You lightly smile at Misha sighing as you replied

"I don't know if it was admiring...umm..I'm going to run inside really quick, I'll be right back." Misha nodded then walked over to the couch as he said

"Ok, then you have to open my gift." You laughed as you walked backwards towards the door you smiled to Misha saying

"Well that's a way to get me to come back fast." Misha laughed but you didn't wait for a response, you walked inside and past the bar; heading upstairs to find Jensen. 

You walked around upstairs, not finding Jensen anywhere and then when you walked back downstairs, as you reached the bar you saw Jensen storming out the door back towards the patio you and Misha were at. You quickly ran over to the door and as you opened it, you saw Misha stand up and walk over to Jensen, just to have Jensen walk up to Misha and push his shoulders back. You went wide eyed, knowing Jensen was pissed and thought he was going to fight his friend but as Jensen was yelling at Misha you ran in between them pushing Jensen away from Misha as you yelled

"What the hell is your problem?" Jensen looked down at you shaking his head then he turned around walking away from you before he turned back snarking

"Why are you with me? First I see you with Ian, and now every fucking chance you get, you're going to Misha instead of me. First spending all your time on set together, then the whole going to him with the Jack situation and now on your birthday; when I threw this party for you, you're hanging out with him rather than me or anyone else." Your jaw dropped then you shook your head, so overwhelmed with sadness and anger. You crossed your arms looking at Jensen as you replied

"Are you that insecure? Jensen, I said yes to marrying you. That means I want no one but you. I want you for the rest of my life. Misha is a great friend and has been there for me; and yeah, I should've gone to you for the problems with Jack, but I thought we were working on that. You know, maybe you need the night to yourself. You clearly have some problems with me that you need to think through. I'm going to be at Jareds in the meantime." Tears started falling down your face as you shook your head and began to walk away from Jensen. Misha took a breath then ran over to you giving you a hug and handed you a card that you assumed was his gift. You thanked him, giving him one more hug before he walked inside, then you stood there for a second looking at the ground then back to Jensen as you said 

"Thanks for the birthday party. Most of it, was great." Then you walked inside, quickly walking over to the bar for a shot and getting yourself a drink.

Jensen felt guilty for snapping at you and Misha but he didn't say anything, he had this sad look on his face as he watched you leave but then he just hung his head. When you were out of sight Jensen was pissed. He was mad at himself for arguing with you but he was also mad that he felt like you didn't need him; that you were always going to Misha. A part of him knew he was jealous of your relationship with Misha, but another part of him, just wanted you to have fun experiences with him. Jensen was overcome with anger; as he walked down the alley to go home he kicked the trash with anger, splattering it everywhere. What he didn't know was that you were watching inside. You took a shaky breath and slid off the barstool; you were hoping Jensen was going to come inside to talk to you but when he didn't you knew it was time for you to leave. 

You paid for your drink and as you slid your jacket on, you began to walk towards the door hoping no one saw that you were leaving but then you saw Jared excuse himself from talking with someone and he walked over to you. Jared put an arm over your shoulder pulling you with him as you walked outside and then once you were away from everyone Jared stopped walking, pulling you in for a real hug as he asked

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now