Army of Moose

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Warning: Violence/abuse mentioned ahead

You were clenching your teeth in anger as you sat at a stoplight trying to race to your brother's house during rush hour. Jared told you about Sadie and Jack's fight after lunch, when you all had a break but with every word Jared said, you just felt more anger build up inside you. You wanted to kill Jack; you couldn't imagine anyone hurting Sadie, let alone someone you all thought was such a nice guy. 

When you arrived at Jared's house, you didn't wait for Gen to answer the door; knowing she would try to avert you from coming in and seeing Sadie, so you just barged in swinging the door open as you yelled for Sadie. You began scanning the living room, finding no one there and then you heard Gen call out your name. You walked into the kitchen, heading towards the stairs leading upstairs to the bedrooms, but you met Gen on the steps with a make up brush in her hand. You looked at Gen smiling lightly then at her hand and then back to her eyes as you skipped the formalities firmly asking

"Where is she Gen?" Gen's face dropped as she reached forward reaching for your shoulder as she softly responded

"Y/n, she's still a little shaken up. It might be better if you come back later." You shook your head quickly moving past Gen and running up the stairs to Gen's bathroom. You assumed Sadie and Gen were in the master bathroom since Gen had her brush in her hand; so that's where you went first. To your surprise Sadie wasn't in there. You started calling out her name asking for her as you headed towards the guest room across the hall. Gen met you in the hall stepping in front of you one more time firmly saying

"Y/n right now is not a good time. Please." Before you could respond, mildly annoyed with Gen trying to keep you away from your friend, Sadie appeared in the hallway with a visible gash above her right eyebrow and bruises around her neck, clearly from someone's hands. Your mouth fell open staring at your friend. Sadie looked down tugging at her clothes trying to hide her face as she looked at you but then she cleared her throat and said 

"Y/n I'm ok..." Before another word was said you stepped forward pulling Sadie in for a tight hug. You didn't care in the moment if it hurt her because seeing her like this made you worried sick and you were just happy to see your friend. Tears were streaming down your face as you tucked your head into Sadie's shoulder you whispered

"I'm so sorry. I should have been there." Sadie shook her head pulling away from the hug as she grabbed your shoulders forcing you to look at her as she said 

"Y/n this wasn't your fault and there's nothing you could've done. What you can do now, is just be here. I just need my friend." You wiped the tears slightly chuckling then nodded as you pulled your friend in for another hug. Gen wiped her tears then stepped forward wrapping her arms around the both of you in a group hug then asked

"Who wants some ice cream?" Sadie perked her head up saying 

"I will never turn down some ice cream." You laughed along with Gen and Sadie and then Gen added 

"Good. I had Mel send some tubs over earlier this morning so we are stocked to stuff our faces and just chill on the couch." Sadie laughed then stepped away running down stairs as she yelled

"I get first pick!" Sadie was running down the stairs when you stepped closer to Gen, surprising her as you pulled her in for a hug saying

"Thank you. I'm sorry I snapped at you." Gen smiled rubbing your back as she turned and walked with you downstairs she replied

"You don't need to thank me. I would've done the same for you. Sadie has always felt like family anyway." You smiled pulling her in for another side hug as you guys went downstairs and put in a few of your favorite movies. 

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