My Choice

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When you pulled out your phone, you started walking home, reading the messages from Jared and Sadie. You decided to start with Sadie, knowing she would be the easier one to handle as opposed to Jared. Looking at the screen you saw 13 messages from Sadie reading

"Can I at least get his name? I mean, I guess I understand not facetiming, that might be too much for the first date."
"Does he have any tattoo's or weird piercings?" 
"Just how cute is he? On a scale of 1 to Matt Cohen where does he rank?"
"Does he have big hands or feet? ;)"
"Does he have a job?"
"Ok now, I'm concerned, you haven't told me anything!"
"Do I need to apply my lessons from Liam Neeson?"
"Y/N answer me! I will kill someone!" 
"Or are you sleeping with him?"
"I'm not judging if you are, just use protection!" 
"Ok, but for real, tell me if you're alive! I'm telling Jared in 3 seconds!" 
"3...2...1... I have called papa Moose. You can't be mad for your consequences of not texting me."
"Jerk call me!!" 

You laughed as you read the messages then replied
"Sorry, I'm alive and well. His name is Ian, he is a great guy easily ranks up with Matt Cohen; we talked all night and we are meeting for coffee tomorrow morning. Now I have to call Jared, thanks bitch. I'll call you after." 

You didn't bother reading the text from Jared knowing he was angry and that you were going to talk to him first. So you decided to wait until you were home and in your apartment before you would call Jared. You had found your pajamas from a box and flopped down on your bed as you pulled out your phone taking a breath as you dialed Jared's number. 

It rang twice and then Jared picked up the phone with a groggy, but seemingly concerned, voice he said
"Y/N are you ok?" You nodded but then chuckled to yourself knowing he couldn't see you you replied

"I'm fine Jar. I just went on a date, and Sadie blew it out of proportion. He's a nice guy." There was some rustling on the line as Jared climbed out of bed and walked to his living room so he wouldn't wake anyone up, then Jared said

"It doesn't matter if Sadie is crazy sometimes, she's just looking out for you. You should have told someone where you were at least. What if something did go wrong? You're not in the safest neighborhood Y/n." You were angry at Jared and Sadie now, thinking that they shouldn't be treating you like a kid. You were an adult and allowed to make your own choices. You scowled as you replied

"Jared it's not like I live downtown Chicago, and I'm not stupid enough to put myself in a bad situation. If Ian seemed creepy to me, I would have never met him at the bar. You are over reacting and being over protective for that matter." 

"Y/n I was just worried about you... So his name is Ian, do I get more details? What if I went out on a date with some random person and never told you or anyone anything?" You scoffed into the phone as you pictured this then replied

"Jared you are a 6'4 giant moose. No one would mess with you...You are also married and have 3 kids now. And no, you don't get details right now." Jared laughed shaking his head then took one hand running it over his face as he asked

"Yeah why did I have another kid?" Without hesitation and not letting a second slip by you smiled replying

"Because you wanted a girl, and she is the most precious thing ever!" Jared responding really fast sending this

"Because you wanted a girl, and she is the most precious thing ever!" Jared responding really fast sending this

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"This was a picture Gen got the other day. Odette wouldn't stop wrapping her arms around me, so I decided to hold her like a monkey." 

You screeched as you looked at the picture thinking to yourself how adorable this was; you immediately saved it then replied to Jared

"She is the cutest! I think she's trying to arm wrestle you, and by the looks of it, she's got more muscle already. ;) Also you desperately need a haircut." You both laughed but then Jared sends a text saying

"Thanks Gummy. You sound like Jensen." You laughed proud of the comment you made making fun of your brother but then replied

"The more you tell me about Jensen, the more I want to meet him. I think we could start a Jared fan club, except it'll be how we plot to harass or prank you." Jared shook his head letting a laugh out then replied

"I hate you. I'm going to try and get some sleep now. Just let me know what's going on next time please. Or tell Sadie at least. I know she's borderline insane but you can't always help how your best friends act in public." You lightly laughed to yourself then replied

"Hey, she's perfect to me! And yeah, I'm sorry I worried you. I'll let you know in the future. I'll also call you before I leave tomorrow." Jared nodded walking back into his room and quickly whispered 

"Sounds good. Goodnight Y/N" Jared then put his phone on his nightstand and curled up next to Genevieve, pulling her closer to his chest and falling asleep instantly. 

You took a deep breath feeling relieved that Jared wasn't as harsh as you were expecting, then pulled back your blankets and climbed into bed as you replied to all the text Sadie had sent. After you responded to the first text Sadie's crazy eyed picture popped up on your screen once more. You laughed sliding the bar and hearing your friends voice scream through the phone as you answered the call. 

Author- Ok sorry I'm done for today. I'll update soon! Let me know what you think.
What do you want to happen with Ian? Should Jared meet him? 

Sadie is a mood, and I love it, but I also had to show some brotherly love in there. Hope you enjoyed it! 

Thank you for reading!! 

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