Once a monster, Always a monster

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The weekend seemed to be flying by, and you couldn't be more sad about it. It was now Sunday afternoon and you were roaming the Supernatural set as you waited for Jensen and Jared to get done filming their lines, then you guys were heading back to Texas. The boys were used to flying this often but it blew your mind how many times they'd be flying back and forth between Texas and Vancouver. 

You were currently walking on set when you noticed Misha walk out of his trailer. You smiled waving at Misha as he looked in your direction then you walked over to him asking

"They don't have you doing lines today? Or are you done already?" Misha laughed then looked at his trailer then back at you as he replied

"I was actually just taking a little break. Your brother is too much to handle sometimes. I was kicked off set because he was being an ass and grabbing my junk." You fully laughed while Misha mildly chuckled while explaining how your brother had been messing with him. You looked at Misha asking

"Did they not kick Jared out too?" Misha shook his head taking a big breath then sassing 

"No. Apparently I was the one that had to leave...But they need me back, so I'm heading over there now. If your brother dies today, you have my condolences." You both laughed then Misha waved goodbye as he headed towards the door that lead to the bunker. You were shaking your head, laughing as you thought of all the torture Jared was putting Misha through but then you walked into someone. You shook your head pulling your attention back in front of you and began to apologize when you realized you ran into Bobby Singer. 

Bobby laughed grabbing your shoulders to help balance yourself as he cheerfully said

"Just the girl I was looking for!" You raised your eyes in a surprised manner; completely confused what he was talking about and then he put his arm around your shoulder walking back to a stage with you. 

Some time had passed and as you walked out the door saying goodbye to Bobby, you saw Jensen walking outside with Jared. When Jensen noticed you he waved as he laughed at something Jared had said. When you walked up to them you gave Jensen a hug joining him and then asked

"What's so funny?" Jared chuckled as he looked at you saying

"We were just screwing around with Misha, waiting for him to clean the whip cream off his face." You couldn't help but laugh, but you stepped forward hitting Jared's chest as you said

"Stop being a jerk to Misha!! You're going to get your butt kicked." Jensen now laughed saying

"Ehh Misha is no threat to us." You raised your eyebrows, turning your attention to Jensen as you stepped towards him replying

"Yeah, well I'm on Misha's side, so you mess with him, and you're messing with me now." Just as you finished saying that Misha came up behind you, hearing this he laughed putting an arm around your shoulders as he looked at Jared and Jensen and said 

"HA! I'm no longer alone!" You looked at Misha giving him a smile then smirked at Jensen and Jared as you crossed your arms and leaned into Misha's hug. Jensen laughed shaking his head as he said

"Babe, Jared and I are the last ones you want to go up against." You pierced your lips together then shook your head as you said

"No. I'm on Misha's side. I'm not afraid of you guys. I know your weaknesses." You all laughed as you harassed each other about plotting to do pranks on one another. Just as Jared was threatening Misha you stepped up saying

"Moose, you better watch yourself. I know where you live, and I can get into your trailer. I'll have all the access I need, while I'm filming with you guys." Jared laughed beginning to defend himself saying he'd switch the locks but Jensen cut him off asking

"Wait! You said filming with us, what do you mean?" You laughed knowing Jensen would be the one to catch that. Jared then shut up laughing as he realized what was happening then you looked at Jensen smiling as you replied

"I just got done talking to Bobby. He said he needed a new monster, and knew I wasn't working with Vampire Diaries anymore, so he offered me a job here. I read for the script this afternoon." Jensen and Jared both laughed but Jensen pulled you towards him giving you a hug as he asked

"So what role are you doing?" You laughed letting go of Jensen then stepped back speaking towards Misha as you said

"Well there's a new love interest for Cas and she, may be a monster." You winked at Misha and the boys laughed, but you gave Jensen another side hug as he looked down at you saying

"That's great! Now we get to spend more time with you, and Misha will have a friend." You gave him an evil look then replied

"Well actually I'll be spending most of my time with Misha. Filming and plotting against you two." You all laughed, joking around about pranks and filming but then you and Jensen said goodbye as you guys went to his truck and went back to his apartment. 

When you got back to Jensen's apartment you walked in the door first, throwing your purse on the kitchen chair, then turning around, opening your arms gesturing for Jensen to walk forward giving you a hug. As he did you said

"Today could not have been a better day. I'm so excited to film with you guys! Not to mention to have a job again." Jensen leaned forward giving you a quick kiss then rested his forehead on yours as he said

"I have a confession to make." You laughed squinted your eyes confused then asked

"Should I be concerned? If it's about you being jealous I'll be filming with Misha; you don't have to worry, I'll be filming with you guys too." Jensen chuckled as he pecked your lips once more then leaned back standing up, still with his arms wrapped around you as he said

"No, I was going to say, I was the one who told Bobby to talk to you about the part." Jensen scoffed then continued "I'm not worried about you filming with Misha, you'll learn fast." You laughed punching his chest lightly then leaned up giving him a kiss as you replied

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that. I would've found something eventually." Jensen smiled then let go as he walked over to the kitchen getting himself a glass of water. Jensen got his water then leaned against he sink looking back at you as he said

"I actually did it for selfish reasons." He put his glass of water on the counter then walked over to you pulling you in for a hug once more, then continued "I really just didn't want to be away from you. And I figured this way, I'd have someone better to fly with than being with Jared alone." You laughed but couldn't help, but feel those butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't believe how much you loved this man in such a sort time. You laughed pulling Jensen by the shirt so he was as close to you as possible as you said

"Well I'm glad you aren't truly Dean Winchester, and can have chick-flick moments." You laughed pulling him by the neck for a strong kiss then continued saying "Thank you. I can't wait to start. And for us to be together more." Jensen smiled not saying anything; he picked you up and threw you on the couch then leaned over you, kissing you. You guys spent the night making jokes about the future and enjoying each others company. 

Author- Ok stopping here, I might edit and add more later, but I wanted to get another chapter out. As always thank you for reading!! So much love to you guys! :) 

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