What Just Happened

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You walked into the living room biting your lip, still excited from kissing Ian. You felt the butterflies in your stomach just thinking about him and then the second you saw Jensen on the couch with Sadie, your stomach flipped. Your eyes went wide for a second as Sadie laughed catching Jensen's attention. Jensen looked at you, trying not to noticeably check you out, causing his mouth to drop a little then he said

"Hey! you look nice, what were you doing?" Sadie laughed as she stood up dropping her drink in the sink as she replied to Jensen but speaking in your direction

"She went on her date with this Ian guy. He's a sales guy from Chicago, tall dark and handsome; but further investigation is needed." You shook your head at Sadie then replied

"Actually he told me tonight he was an actor, he just told me sales because he didn't know if I was talking to him because he is famous. But I don't even know what show he's in. He told me but I've never heard of it." Jensen smiled thinking you weren't interested enough to remember the name of his show but as he heard you talk about Ian, Jensen's mouth fell open ever so slightly, disappointed in hearing you went on a date with this guy, but then Jensen turned his attention back to you; you locked eyes with him and blushed then began walking to your room. When you got in your room you put your purse on your bed and began taking your shoes and jewelry off when Jensen appeared in the doorway asking

"So how was the date?" You felt your cheeks redden as you looked at Jensen, curious why he wanted to know. You couldn't read his expression but you almost sensed that he was mad. You walked to your dresser, looking in the mirror as you took your earrings out and looked at Jensen through the mirror as you replied

"It was great. We went to a really nice restaurant for dinner then for a walk. It was simple but perfect." You smiled turning back to face Jensen and leaned against your dresser, crossing your arms over your chest as you asked him

"So what'd you and Sadie do tonight?" Jensen shook his head, realizing he was staring at you, then he made a quick glance back into the living room where Sadie sat back down on the couch, then turned his attention back to you as he replied

"She told me to come over immediately, that it was very important, and then when I did, we just watched a movie. She needs to learn the meaning of the word important." You both laughed and then you walked over to your bed gesturing for Jensen to take a seat at your desk chair as you replied

"I think she just didn't want to be home alone. She's like Jared, she gets bored and then goes crazy by herself." You laughed as you said this then looked at Jensen playing with his bracelet as you continued "Thank you for keeping her company." He nodded then took a deep breath and bluntly asked

"What are you doing tomorrow and Friday? Jared and I have to go to a convention. I think you'd love it." You smiled thinking about watching them on stage being idiots, then thought to yourself 'why not'. You stood up walking to your closet grabbing some pj's then replied

"Yeah, that sounds like fun, I can come tomorrow and the next day, but the weekend I have plans." Jensen stood up with a smirk on his face as he walked towards the door sarcastically replying

"Plans with 'Ian'?" Jensen batted his eyes at you as he said Ian's name in a weird way, so you took a step hitting his arm as you got to your doorway and replied

"Actually yes. And I expect the sass from Sadie and Jared, but not you. But if you want to go to war with me, then bring it on Ackles." Jensen laughed turning to you replying

"Who said anything about war? I was just harassing you about your new guy." You squinted at him as you popped a hip and said

"Your harassment is war. I will find ways to harass or embarrass you as well now." You stuck your tongue at Jensen as he laughed and headed out. 

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now