One Big Family

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That night was one of the best nights you've had in a while; spending the night with Jensen was one thing but waking up in the morning to his beautiful eyes on you, was another. You woke up yawning, feeling sore from all the fun you had last night; you stretched your arms out above your head and as you did Jensen grabbed your waist rolling you over so you were on top of him. You both laughed then Jensen gave you a soft kiss and said 
"Good morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" You braced your elbows on the bed and leaned into his chest so that you were comfortable but still close to him, giving him one more kiss then replying
"Like a baby." Jensen chuckled to himself squeezing you tight to his chest in a hug replying
"You're my baby." You both laughed then you began to get out of bed, snickering as you looked at Jensen saying
"Actually I believe the impala has taken the role as 'your baby', there's years of proof." Jensen rolled his eyes at you, but watched as you walked towards the bathroom wearing nothing but your lacy underwear. You walked into the bathroom doing your business then as you finished you, you began washing your hands and Jensen came behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. You looked up in the mirror at him smiling then asked
"What do you have planned today? Other than dinner at my brothers?" Jensen leaned forward kissing your neck, painfully slow then smirked as he turned you around he said
"I plan on making you mine, all day long." You blushed, laughing at what his words did to you, then you stood up on your toes giving him a strong kiss, before you slipped out of his grip walking over to the shower. You turned the water on dropping your underwear you looked back at him saying
"I might put up a fight." You smirked at Jensen then laughed as you climbed into the shower and within seconds Jensen was joining you. 

Once you guys had finally gotten out of the shower you changed putting a cute summer dress on and as you were adjusting the straps you looked behind you as Jensen was pulling his jeans on you asked
"So what really is the plan for today?" Jensen pulled his pants over his butt, buttoning them up before he walked up behind you saying
"Well I was hoping you'd fly out to set with me today. I have to run some lines real quick, and then I should be free by this afternoon, but a lot of the cast really wants to meet you. I have an apartment there so we could just stay there for the weekend." You smiled looking at him replying
"That sounds great! I've been on set before, but it's been a long time. I really have to meet Matt Cohen... for Sadie's sake." You teased Jensen continuing "I've heard he's the hottest guy on set." Jensen squinted at you then leaned forward biting your neck for a second then kissing you as he said
"I claimed you as mine. And you're not allowed to go near Matt, or Rich for that matter." Jensen turned away grabbing his jacket as he began walking downstairs you yelled
"Oh C'mon! I have to be introduced to the whole family!" Jensen laughed loud enough for you to hear then you went downstairs heading out the door with Jensen.

When you got to set Jensen opened the car door for you then reached for your hand as he walked around set with you. He pointed out some of the trailers and the more popular areas they had to film then as you walked into the big warehouse filled with the bunker setting you heard Jensen laughing at you as your jaw dropped at how big the place really was. You nudged his side saying
"Don't laugh at me. This place is awesome. I can see why they film a lot of scenes here." Jensen laughed at you then let go of your hand wrapping it around your waist as he guided you around. You got to the back of the room and there were couches placed around. When you walked up you saw an older man was sitting down but as you got there Jensen got excited letting go of you and walking up to hug the man as he said 
"Hey there, old man! You filming today?" They shared a hug and the guy laughed patting Jensen's back then replied
"Yeah, I gotta make sure you boys haven't destroyed my legacy." He winked at Jensen then looked at you saying 
"Now who is this beautiful lady?" Jensen smiled pulling you in for a side hug, then quickly letting go as he introduced you
"Jeff, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the legend himself." You laughed sticking your hand out for a handshake but then Jeffrey shook his head no, stepping forward pulling you in for a hug as he said
"We are all family here, and I hug my family." You laughed already liking this man, then replied
"Well then you really are my brother's 'father'." Jeffrey made a questionable face, then you laughed adding on "Jared is my brother, but I don't claim him all the time." You all laughed and then Jensen said goodbye, because he had to go film his lines. He asked if you were ok sitting with Jeffrey and offered the keys to his trailer if you weren't or needed a break, but you felt perfectly fine sitting on the couch talking to Jeffrey. Jensen promised he'd be done soon but you were actually happy to be sitting down talking. You told Jeffrey a little about yourself and stories with Jared but then before you knew it Matt, Rich, and Rob were joining you guys on the couch. The room was soon filled with laughter as you guys joked about Jared, and the boys harassed you about dating Jensen. You realized that although these boys just met you, you all felt like family already. 

Before you knew it Jensen was back on the couch sitting next to Jeffrey. Matt was sitting next to you and as Jensen joined the group Matt put his arm over your shoulder pulling you close as he said
"Sorry to break it to you Jay, but your girl is mine now." Jensen and the others laughed then Jared joined the group replying
"Oh god. Please, someone take her. She steals everything from me." You all burst out laughing as Rob chimed in
"Sorry Jared, I think I like her more." You all laughed as Jared hung his head jokingly and then went to sit down next to Rich. Then Matt, Rich, Rob and Jared had started their own conversation arguing over something. When you looked at Jensen you pulled out your phone snapping a picture of Jensen and Jeffrey, asking Jeffrey
"Jeff, are you alright if I post your picture online?" Jeffrey smiled nodding at you as he said
"You my sweetheart, are more than welcome. My only requirement is that you have to come to set more often now. Or at least all the days I'm filming." You smiled laughing at this then, replied
"Wouldn't miss it." You sat there for a few more hours as the boys switched out doing their lines and then coming back to join you. When they were all busy you pulled out your phone sending a picture of you and Matt to Sadie then posting online

 When they were all busy you pulled out your phone sending a picture of you and Matt to Sadie then posting online

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Liked by JeffreyDeanMorgan and JensenAckles and 978,267 others 

TheBestPadalecki14: Well I know who Jensen gets his good looks from. #PapaWinchester #ILoveJeffreyDeanMorgan #Thosesmiles #meltmyheart


Username: Damn I don't know who is hotter

JeffreyDeanMorgan: You are welcome any day, loved meeting you. My boys should've had you on set sooner! 

JensenAckles: @JeffreyDeanMorgan taught me everything I know ;) 

Username: Too much sexiness in one photo! 

TheBestPadalecki14: @JensenAckles Dad approves of me!! @JeffreyDeanMorgan 

Username: Great genes runs in the family 

JeffreyDeanMorgan: @TheBestPadalecki14 of course you have my approval, make sure Jensen treats you right or I'll have to whip him into shape! 

TheBestPadalecki14: He does. Thank You! <3 

Username: I could not love this more!!!!

An hour passed and the boys were finally done filming for the day. Jensen walked up to you smiling as he wrapped you in a hug asking

"Are you ready to leave? Or are you going to steal my family from me now too?" You laughed stepping up giving him a kiss then replied

"Hey, not my fault us Padalecki's are so lovable." Jensen scoffed at you, leaning his head back in a laugh then looked back at you saying

"Why don't we go back to my place to relax for a little bit, then we can meet Jared for dinner?" You smiled, nodding in agreement, then laced your arm around Jensen's waist, as he did the same to you. You guys went to his apartment, unpacking your bag for the weekend then before you knew it, it was time to meet Jared for dinner. You had decided on grilling at home and just having some beers while chilling out on the patio. When Jared came over you laughed giving him a hug and then you let the boys set the food up and talk while you went upstairs to take a quick shower. It hadn't been a really busy day, but you just felt like you needed to freshen up so after your shower you came down and joined the boys for a relaxing evening. 

Author- Stopping here for now. Hope you are enjoying it!! Thank you for reading! More to come soon, I promise! 

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