She's a fighter

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Your wedding night you felt sharp pains in your stomach, causing you to toss and turn but you didn't say anything to Jensen. The few times he woke up from you stirring around, you'd lie to him and say the twins were just kicking or making you uncomfortable; then you'd tell him to go back to bed. Eventually the pain subdued for a little bit and you finally got some sleep.

Before you knew it though, it was morning and Jensen turned to face you as he woke you up as he kissed you asking 

"Did you get any sleep last night babe?" You looked at Jensen, frowning a little but forcing a smile on your face as you replied

"I'll be fine. I'm a little tired but once I get some food I'll be alright." Jensen leaned forward kissing your forehead then moved down to kiss your lips before he climbed out of bed and walked towards the bathroom as he said

"I think a nice shower will help a little and then we can go eat as much food as you and my little monsters want." Jensen walked into the bathroom turning on the shower then as he walked back to you, you were climbing out of bed when the room went black and you began to fall to the ground. Jensen screamed your name and ran over to catch you, holding you tightly as he panicked for a second before he leaned you back in bed and called 911.  

You were asleep in a hospital bed with wires attached to you and the monitor next to your bed the only noise in the room. Jensen leaned against the window next to your bed, covering his face as he bit his lip; thinking of all the things that are going wrong or could be happening. Jensen pulled up a chair to sit next to your bed as he grabbed your hand he said

"Y/n...." Jensen shook his head, taking a deep breath but no longer holding it together as he cried he continued "I can't do this without you. I need you. I need you and our children to be ok... C'mon baby." Jensen's head snapped to the doorway as he heard

"She'll be ok. They all will." Jared was standing in the doorway but then as he said this he quickly ran over to his brother pulling him in for a hug. Jensen continued crying and shook his head as he pulled away from Jared, looking away from Jared as he wiped his face and then said

"Jar I can't do this. It's my fault." Jared furrowed his brow, shaking his head as he firmly grabbed Jensen's shoulder replying

"Jensen, you had nothing to do with this. Y/n had a huge day yesterday and the babies are putting her body through a lot, but she's a fighter and the doctors said she is doing fine right now. They are monitoring her, but they sounded positive for her." Jensen shook his head angry, stepping back, away from you and Jared as he ground his teeth then spat

"We slept together last night, and I could've hurt her or the kids. I knew she had a long day but I...I just wanted us together. And I didn't take into consideration what would happen with the kids. God I'm a horrible husband." Jared tightly smiled for a split second then walked back over to Jensen putting a hand on his shoulder as he replied

"Jay, you guys sleeping together didn't do anything. Yesterday Y/n was dancing a lot, and I didn't see her eat much, and it was just a very eventful day both physical and emotional, I think her body just needed some rest...She will be fine Jensen. I know it." Jensen sat down back in the chair looking at you but then Sadie walked in with her arms crossed over her chest, then she gave Jared and hug and asked them how they were doing but then Jared said

"Jensen, I think we should go get some coffee. You need a second, and I think Sadie does too." Jensen looked irritated at Jared but then he looked over at Sadie and saw how shook up she was as well. Jensen took a deep breath then leaned over the bed to kiss your forehead before he whispered

"I'll be right back baby." Jensen took a shaky breath then looked at Sadie saying

"If the doctors come in, or if they have anything new, please call me instantly." Sadie nodded giving Jensen a hug and then Jared and Jensen walked out of the room. Jensen took one more look at you before he left the room but he knew if he didn't leave he would never leave that room and he would eventually get yelled at by his family; that and Jensen had to use the restroom so he'd take care of business and then be back as soon as he could. 

But in the meantime, while Jared was comforting Jensen, helping him recollect himself, Sadie sat down in Jensen's chair looking at you. Sadie was silent for a moment but then she looked at you with her lips pierced. Sadie then chuckled as she began

"Do you remember when we were 7, we were all playing outside in the pool and Jared pushed me into the pool and then when I went to get my revenge later, I slipped and busted my head on the side of the pool..." Sadie paused with a small smile on her face as she looked down at her hands in her lap then she looked back at you continuing "Jared felt horrible, and was running around getting me a warm towel and the first aid kit...but you were the one holding my hand, like this." Sadie grabbed your hand as she began to cry then said "You were the one who helped me get through that and distracted me from the pain. And with everything in my life you have always been the one to help me get through. Jesus, then this whole shit-show with Jack; Y/n I'm lost without you. I can't lose my best friend. Not now, not ever. I need you, and I know you're in there and that they say you're ok, but I need you to wake up. So you're going to open those beautiful eyes of yours and tell me how much of a pain in the ass I am." Sadie stood up giving you a kiss on your forehead then walked fast out of the room to go recollect herself.

When Jared and Jensen came back, Gen had just arrived with all the kids. Jared went over to catch the boys and sit them down outside the room in the waiting room but JJ ran straight to Jensen asking 

"Daddy, what's wrong with Y/n?" Jensen pushed his lips together trying not to cry again as he watched his daughter worry. Jensen bent down to hug JJ and as he held her head into the crook of his neck Jensen replied

"She's hurting  Birdy, but she'll be ok." Jensen wiped his face but then JJ slid out of his grip and ran into your room. Jensen stood up running to catch JJ but by the time he got into the room JJ was already carefully climbing into bed with you. Jensen bit his bottom lip trying to hold the tears as he heard JJ speak to you

JJ laid next to you then she kissed your cheek as she said 

"Mommy, you've gotta be ok. Daddy needs you, and I really miss you." JJ put her ear on your stomach then she looked back at you saying "The twins agree with me." 

Jensen shook his head, letting the tears fall but then before he said anything you woke up pulling JJ closer and brushing your hand along her head as you replied

"I'm alright honey. We all are." Jensen walked further into the room, letting a loud exhale out as he heard you talk to JJ and then he walked over to your bed as you looked at him you said

"Hey, handsome." Jensen shook his head smiling as he wiped his face again and then pulled you in for a kiss as he replied

"You scared me Y/n." You started tearing up seeing how distraught Jensen was but then you put one hand on your stomach and the other around JJ as you replied

"I'm sorry, but we're ok. Now come here, so I we can have my family." Jensen chuckled then moved to the other side of the bed as he pulled JJ on his lap you all carefully readjusted so that you could lay in bed together. 

You sat there for a few minutes, just recollecting yourselves and letting things settle before you got the nurse to check on you and then Jared and everyone else came in to see you. 

Author- Ok this was kinda really sad, but also cute but still has me kinda shaken haha anyway, hope you enjoyed it! As always, thank you for reading!! I seriously love seeing all the comments and likes and hearing from you, you guys make my day!! Much love!! 

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