She's my best friend

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It was finally Sunday and you were getting dressed at Jensen's place, quickly throwing on your favorite ripped shorts and a t-shirt; getting ready to head over to Sadie's. It was funny to you because you still technically lived at the apartment but it no longer felt like yours so you called it Sadie's place. Just as you pulled your shorts on Jensen came in the room smiling saying

"Mmm, I love the way you look in the morning." You laughed walking over shaking your head as you hugged him saying

"Yeah, well I love you too." Jensen laughed then you stood up on your tip toes giving him a kiss. After a few minutes you broke apart, letting go of Jensen and walking over to the bed grabbing your purse as you said

"I'll be back tomorrow, but I'll probably just meet you on set so I don't have to get back here really early." Jensen nodding stepping back towards you replying

"You don't have to explain to me, I get it. I think it'll be a great night for you. You and Sadie haven't really hung out in a while and it'll be nice to just have girl talk." You laughed stepping up giving him a kiss then replied

"Oh yeah, our 'girl talk' will be all gossip about you and how weird you are." You chuckled to yourself seeing Jensen make a face at you but then you gave him one more kiss before putting your purse over your shoulder and heading out to meet Sadie. 

When you got to the apartment you heard loud noises inside, something that sounded like crashing. You quickly pulled out your keys opening the door yelling

"Sadie!? Is everything alright?" You walked around your apartment until you heard the noises coming from Sadie's bedroom. A second later Sadie came back with her hair messy and pulling her sleeves down. Sadie had wide eyes when she saw you but then she smiled ignoring the noises then chuckled as she said

"Sorry, I was rearranging my room and then kinda made a giant mess and broke some things." You were pretty suspicious of what was happening in her room, but Sadie was very clumsy so you decided to shrug it off and asked

"Well if you need help cleaning, we can later if you want?" Sadie readjusted her shirt and then quickly walked over to the table grabbing her purse and looked at you saying 

"Nah, let's just go get some ice cream." Sadie started walking towards the door before you responded and then in the doorway she turned facing you giving you a funny face. You tried not to read into it, but you've known Sadie since you were a little girl, so it was hard to see her act like this, knowing something was bothering her. You figured once you got ice cream she'd open up to you about what she was working on in her room, or what was going on. You laughed at Sadie calling her a dork and then the two of you went to your favorite ice cream shop. 

When you got downtown to your favorite shop you walked in and laughed as you noticed nothing had changed. You worked here when you were a teen and fell in love with the place. When you walked in there were bright colors painted on the wall with soft couches spread along one of the walls and a wall of mugs for customers to pick out what they wanted their ice cream in. Your favorite part of the shop was the part where people could go up to the bookshelf stacked with board games. You and Sadie walked in and smiled at each other instantly laughing, knowing you were going to stick with tradition and get the same couch and mugs that you used to use when you were kids. Sadie picked the corner couch with a cute coffee table and put her jacket down claiming the spot and then she joined you at the wall of mugs as you handed her her favorite goofy mug. Sadie laughed grabbing the mug from you saying

"If I ever steal anything in my lifetime, it will be this mug." You looked at Sadie bumping her side then chuckled

"Well then we are going down together." You held out your favorite mug that was an odd shaped mug with a pun on it that read "Bad Puns, thats how eye roll" with an eyeball on the outside of the mug. You and Sadie didn't hold back your laughs as you looked at each other holding your mugs but then an old voice broke up your laughter from behind you, saying 

Brother knows best. (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now