What did I do

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You were sobbing now, as you thought of JJ being hurt and what it was doing to Jensen. As you stood in front of him you shook your head, covering your face as you cried and sat down on the couch. You couldn't focus on what Jensen was saying, you asked if JJ was ok, and he just didn't respond, but just then you heard Shep and Tom come running out from one of the bedrooms. Shep came up to you asking if you were ok and then when you turned to face him you saw JJ's ponytail bounce as she ran down the hall to join you guys in the living room. You hugged Shep and then set him down walking over to JJ, pulling her in for a long hug. You let a loud shaky breath come out as you finally felt relief knowing your loved ones were ok. 

You turned back looking at Shep, Tom and JJ as you lightly smiled asking
"Guys can you give Jensen and I some space for a minute." You took Jensen's hand guiding him to one of the spare bedrooms as you heard Misha joke with the kids that they'd have to run from the "Giant Cyclops" as he chased them into the room. 

Warning Smutt/Fluff more so fluff

Once you were in the room you shut the door and walked over to Jensen pulling him in for a strong kiss. You had a tight grip on his neck, putting everything you had into the kiss and for once he was kissing you back. You began walking with Jensen back towards the bed then you pushed him down onto the bed and carefully crawled on top of him, fiercely kissing him again, as you grind your body against his. You leaned back, quickly pulling off your shirt and then reconnecting your lips with Jensen's as you began to unbutton his shirt. You felt Jensen begin to get aroused from your movements, but then he grabbed the side of your arms and softly pushed you off of him to the side of the bed, and then he stood up saying

"Y/n, I'm not kidding. You hurt me and it's not going to get resolved by sex. You went off to do something stupid, and got hurt, and didn't tell me! AND then you go and do some more stupid shit. What if you had gotten hurt again, or what if JJ was hurt?... Y/n I...I need some time to think this through." You sat up shaking your head as you felt the tears begin to well up again with every word he was saying. Jensen finished and then stepped back towards the door walking back into the living room. You let the tears fall once more, as you fell back onto the bed you couldn't help but dwell over how stressful the last few days have been. 

You sent Misha a text saying you were going to sleep in his spare room, if it was ok with him, and if she wanted to, Sadie could join you so she had somewhere to sleep until everything was resolved. Misha replied saying you were more than welcome, and that Sadie had already agreed to come keep you company tonight. Later Jared came back to check on you, but you were already fast asleep, so he took Shep and Tom to Gen's parents house with him and left you a note saying that he'd see you on set the next afternoon; Jensen had left with JJ and gone to his parents as well. So now it was just you and Sadie staying at Misha's. 

When you woke up you were grateful to find Sadie next to you snoring pretty loud. You laughed as you looked at your best friend, you knew she hadn't slept well in a long time, so it was relieving for you to see your friend finally at rest. It also helped you get some sleep since you were used to sleeping with someone next to you; but as you thought of Jensen your heart dropped. You knew a part of him was right to be mad at you for not telling him, but you were also annoyed that he had done the same thing and turned off his phone when you were worried about him.

You shook off the thoughts of Jensen for now, as you got up and still in your jeans from yesterday, you walked into the kitchen with the smell of bacon filling the air. When you got closer you smiled seeing Vikki sitting down at the table with West and Misha was cooking with the help of Maison. Maison spotted you first, and as she heard you crutch over to the counter she said

"Y/n! Do you want some of my pancakes! They're perfect!!" You laughed looking on the counters at a stack of perfectly brown pancakes. You smiled looking back at Maison as you replied

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